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Add or Edit a Course
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When you are ready to create a new course in your LMS, from the left navigation menu, select
Courses > Add Course
. These are key the parameters that appear on the Add Course page. What you see may vary depending on the Delivery Method you select for the course.
You can also update these settings for existing courses by finding them under
Courses > Search Courses
, then editing the details from the General tab. It is not possible to change the Delivery Method once a course is saved.
Please note that asterisks (*) in the form indicate a required field. Some fields or requirements may vary depending on the type of course selected.
Course Types
: Create, deliver and analyze a range of assessments, from simple quizzes to sophisticated examinations.
: Schedule offerings for instructor-led onsite or webinar-based training and manage classroom rosters.
Course Group
: Provides an easy and flexible way to bundle multiple LMS courses together for a single training completion requirement. Instead of containing learning material, the content of the Course Group is a set of
Component Courses
, which already exist in your LMS. Component courses can carry their own attributes (e.g. Prerequisites or Approval requirements) within the group.
: Upload SCORM 1.2 or 2004 content to create interactive, self-paced online courses.
: Provide course material that the student can complete at his or her convenience, such as a book or PowerPoint review.
Virtual Classroom
Add-On Feature
): Use Adobe Connect technology to conduct instructor-led courses online.
General Information
Course, Major, and Resource sharing occurs at the Business Unit level. Only students affiliated with the selected Organizations may search for and enroll in this course.
: The unique code that identifies the course
: Course title, which also provides Keywords for search options
: The cost for taking the course; enter zero (0) for free courses
: These fields allow you to provide course context information and additional Keywords for search options.
: Describe target training audience.
: The amount of time, in hours, needed to complete the course. Use decimals to indicate incremental hours.
: Grouping of related courses, usually part of a set curriculum
Delivery Method
: Select the type of course -- Assessment, Classroom, Course Group, eLearning, Self-Study, or Virtual Classroom (with Add-On). Additional fields display dynamically based on the delivery method you choose.
Approval Required
: Indicate whether student enrollment will require managerial approval. Default: No. This can be set differently by business unit.
Can Relaunch
: This option is only available for eLearning and Self-study delivery methods.
Indicate whether students can relaunch course content after achieving a completed status for the purpose of review. Default: Yes
Content Type
: Only available for Self-Study delivery method. Select whether the content is a Resource or a Link.
Resource Content
: If
Content Type = Resource
, select from the list of resources, which content should be associated with the course Launch button.
URL Content
: If
Content Type = Link
, provide a valid URL to the content you want be associated with the course Launch button.
Completion Type
: Only available for Self-Study delivery method. Because Self-Study courses do not host eLearning SCORM content, course progress bookmarks, completion and scoring is not automatically recorded to the student’s training history. Instead these courses can be set to allow either the student, the manager, or the portal administrator to set the completion status. When set to
, portal administrators (or roles customized to allow this type of user history edit) must manually update the status of the student’s transcript to grant credit for the course. For
courses, the student triggers an approval request for a manager to review and approve their course completion. For
courses, the student confirms their own completion by providing their username and password, creating a timestamped record attesting to their completion. Default: Self-Certified
Course Completion Certificate
: Indicate whether a Certificate of Completion is available to the user after finishing or passing the course. Default: Yes
: Use the picker to link supplemental learning materials from your resource catalog directly to the course. These will only be available to the student as attached information and will not launch in the same way a resource will from the Resource Content field. Multiple selections are allowed.
: If you have created a hierarchy of Topics, you can select the topics which should be tagged to the course, making it easier for users to browse to find it.
Additional Information
: Indicate the language used in LMS course records and material.
: Free text entry field for additional course information
Course Display Date
: The date the course is made available in the catalog
Enrollment Open Date
: Students will be allowed to enroll in the course or offering starting on this date.
Enrollment Close Date
: Students will not be able to enroll in the course or offering after this date.
Course Hide Date
: The course will be hidden from all student catalogs on this date. Self-paced courses (e.g. eLearning, Assessment, Self-Study) will also be removed from a user’s homepage, regardless of enrollment status, on this date. The timing on this setting is at the end of the specified day (23:59:00) so if you want, for example, to hide the course completely on May 1, enter the Course Hide Date as April 30.
Accreditation Calculation Date
: Determines the date the course will begin to count as credit toward completion of certification and curriculum programs. Usually, this date matches the Enrollment Open date. If you enter a future date, the course will not included in the accreditation achievement requirements until the date matures.
Days for Student to Complete (Due Date)
: The number of days a student is allowed to complete this course after first enrolled. This is not available for the Classroom delivery method. If the LMS Information setting "Automate Goals from Course Due Date" is enabled, the setting in this field will initiate a course goal with a calculated due date for students enrolled in the course.
Days Before Due Date to Remind Student
: Set the number of days before the due date that the system will send an email reminder to enrolled students. If multiple reminders are desired, enter them separated by commas. For example, entering “30,10,3” would result in a reminder being sent 30 days, 10 days and 3 days before the due date. Reminders for Classroom courses are set at the offering level.
Transcript Expiration Days
: Enter the number of days after which a student's completed transcript for the course will expire.
: Expired transcripts do not count as course credit.
Days Before Transcript Expiration to Remind Student
: Set the number of days before the transcript expiration date to send a reminder to the student. If multiple reminders are desired, enter them separated by commas. For example entering "30,10,3" would result in a reminder being sent 30 days, 10 days and 3 days before the expiration date.
Enrollment Restriction
: Indicate whether students will be allowed to re-enroll themselves in a course that they have completed.
: This setting works in conjunction with "Can Relaunch" to determine the behavior of eLearning and Self-Study courses, as well as user training history and "Enroll Others" capabilities.
Once Only (only one completion allowed; pass or fail)
Unlimited (enroll as many times as desired)
Restrict by Number of Days (allow re-enrollment only after X days have passed)
Restrict by Number of Enrollments (set maximum limit X for total number of course enrollments allowed by any one student)
Accumulate Credit
: Indicate the number of credits a student will earn for completing the course.
Subscription Program
: Assign the course to an existing Subscription (collection of courses available to a subscribing Location).
Only Allow Enrollment to Users in Audience
: Required, single value only. Restricts enrollment to users who are part of the selected audience at the time of enrollment. Defaults to No Restriction. Failure to meet the membership requirements results in a hard conflict that can only be overridden by a user with a Portal Administrator, Administrator, or Instructor role. At the offering level, the Audience can be modified for a specific offering. If a user loses Audience membership after enrollment, the enrollment remains. There is no retraction of the enrollment.
Instructional Languages
: Indicate the language in which the course will be taught.
: If the LMS Information setting "Brands" is enabled and you have created a list of Brands, you can associate the course with one of more Brands. To select more than one Brand, press and hold [
] while selecting entries.
Version #
: Indicate the version of the course, if there is more than one.
Allow Use of Interest Lists
: Indicate whether or not students can express an interest in taking this course. Default: Yes.
Add Course
to complete the process. A message banner will appear at the top of the page, notifying you whether or not the course was successfully created. Depending on the type of course added, the system may prompt you for your next action.