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Monetize LMS with eCommerce
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Latitude has made it easy for portal administrators to monetize their Learning Management System with several eCommerce options. Once eCommerce is enabled and properly configured for your portal, you can offer clients, partners or distributors the ability to purchase courses and other training-related activities within the LMS. Thanks to Latitude’s partnership with PayPal, administrators can choose whether they want to accept payments via Credit Card, Direct Bill, or both.
All credit card payments are processed through PayPal’s Secure Payment platform, requiring you to integrate your PayPal Business account in order to use this option. Direct billing is not processed through the LMS, so payment invoices must be generated and tracked from your organization’s preferred billing platform.
Learners who enroll in tuition-based courses can use their Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, or debit cards to make online payments; or they can agree to be invoiced for the cost of tuition through direct billing. Managers can also make tuition payments on their employees’ behalf when approving enrollment requests or enrolling others in coursework.
The LMS provides payment history reports based payment type: Credit Card or Direct Bill. Use these tools for financial reporting or for auditing your billing records.
Portal Setup for eCommerce
The first step in monetizing your LMS is to log into your portal, then select
Site Management > LMS Information
. This page allows you to verify that eCommerce has been enabled, and if so, to configure portal-wide payment methods.
Tuition Payment Options and PayPal API Information
From the Left Navigation Menu, select
Site Management > LMS Information
Scroll to the "Payment Information" section at the bottom of the page. Check the box next to the
Direct Billing
Credit Card (via PayPal)
field to add your desired payment options.
If you choose to accept Credit Card payments, you must enter PayPal account credentials into the
PayPal PayPal Client ID
PayPal Secret Key
fields. If you are unsure of how to acquire this information, please visit
PayPal Support
or chat with a PayPal Support representative. See the Appendix of this document or watch our
Add PayPal to Your LMS
video to learn more.
In the
PayPal Environment
field, select "
" from the drop-down list, but only after you have everything set up and tested using the Sandbox.
to save changes.
Make Payment Methods Location-Specific
Portal-wide payment settings will automatically cascade to all LMS Locations. However, because the LMS allows for Organizational Branding, you can further define which payment methods should be offered at each individual Location.
To modify payment options at the Location level:
Search for the desired Location and open its
General Information
Under the section labeled “Payment Methods”, select or deselect either option --
Credit Card
Direct Bill
-- for users assigned training at that organization. At least one option must be selected in order for location students to be enrolled in tuition-based courses.
Click the
button to save changes.
: At least one Payment Method must be configured at the Portal and Location level in order for students at this organization to enroll in tuition-based courses.
Configure Courses to Require Tuition
Once an LMS has been configured to accept Credit Card and/or Direct Billing payments, administrators can begin adding tuition requirements to select courses.
Open the desired course and select the
In the
field, enter the total cost of tuition that must be paid in USD (United States dollar).
Save Course
to apply changes.
All users will see the cost of tuition displayed as part of the course information. Students, or their enrolling supervisors, must pay the full cost of tuition in order to complete the enrollment process for this course.
Paying Tuition for Course Enrollment
Students can purchase LMS courses and other training-related activities in one of two ways: Direct Bill or Credit Card. For more information on the student experience, please review this document:
Paying Course Tuition in the LMS
Enrolling Others in Tuition-Based Courses
LMS portal administrators or managers who
Enroll Others
Approve Pending Enrollments
for tuition-based courses must pay the full cost of enrollment on the students’ behalf in order to complete the process. Available payment methods are Direct Bill, Credit Card, or Both, depending on which have been enabled at the Location.
Students can expect to receive enrollment confirmation messages as usual, and will not be charged for launching or attending such courses.
Direct Billing
When enrolling students from Locations where Direct Billing has been enabled, administrators can fill out the tuition payment form as described below, then click
Complete Purchase
to finalize their enrollments.
Payment Method
: Direct Billing
Purchase Order / Reference Number
: Enter purchase/reference numbers you want included with your payment information
Billing Agreement
(required field): Administrators must agree to the billing statement in order to enroll others in a tuition-based course
Because invoices for this payment type are not processed through the LMS, Portal Administrators will rely on the standard financial report to collect and process billing information. If this is your preferred payment method, we highly suggest that you include a Purchase Order / Reference Number with every enrollment, as this field pulls into the Direct Bill report by default and can help with payment processing later.
Credit Card
To pay course tuition with a credit or debit card, complete the fields on the payment form as described below, then click
Complete Purchase
to finalize student enrollment.
Payment Method
: Credit Card. Click to launch
Debit or Credit Card
to process payment and follow the instructions on those pages.
: Tuition payments are hosted within the LMS, but are actually processed through PayPal as a third party vendor. This means that all payment issues, tax analysis, tuition refunds, and other payment-related information is subject to PayPal policy and procedure.
eCommerce Reporting
The LMS comes standard with tuition payment activity reports, one for each payment method. Use these tools for financial reporting or for generating and auditing payment records.
From the Left Navigation menu, click
. In the pop-up window, select from the “Course Reports” section either of these two options to start collecting data:
Course Payment By Credit Card Report
Course Payment By Direct Bill Report
Appendix: Details on Setting Up PayPal Integration
These are the current steps to setup/add PayPal credentials.
Login to your PayPal Business Account at
Apps & Credentials
Apps & Credentials,
if you have not already created your App, select
Create App.
Create an
App Name
(we use LMS as an example).
Then click
Create App
You will see the App under
Note the Copy icon next to the
Client ID
PayPal Secret
key. Copy and save these credentials for the next steps.
You should be in
Sandbox mode
Enter the credentials in the LMS Information page and make sure Sandbox is selected.
Test transactions using the sandbox mode. Enroll in a tuition-based course and purchase it. On the payment page, use PayPal as the option to complete the purchase.
After sufficient testing, you are ready to go live with PayPal in the LMS.
Set both the LMS and PayPal to the Live Mode.