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A number of LMS features help training coordinators and managers oversee their list of employees, manage their training goals, and track team progress. Users assigned a supervisory position get access to “My Team” and “Approvals” icons on their Navigation menu (or equivalent tabs on the Classic Home page "Employees" and "Approvals"). To learn more about managing approvals, CLICK HERE.
My Team
From the Navigation menu, employee oversight and approvals take place from the My Team
dashboard. When this icon is chosen for display under Site Management > Edit Navigation Page, it only shows for those users who manage employees, either via their place in the position hierarchy or when listed as a manager to one or more users under person-to-person management reporting. Regardless of whether your portal uses person-to-person direct reporting or the position-based hierarchy, My Team is the recommended method for managers viewing employee information.
It especially supports portals using person-to-person reporting because it shows all users reporting to the manager, regardless of location, without the need to change profiles. Additionally, users with Location Administrator, Administrator, Instructor, and Portal Administrator roles in a person-to-person portal are "unscoped" in their view of users within the organizations for which they have profiles with those roles. They will be able to view all users in/under their profile organizations regardless of their managerial status.
Filter to View Employees
View the default list of employees or filter to expand or restrict the results shown. Filters must be set each time you switch My Team tabs.
- The default filter for a position-based portal is the Manager's employees at the manager's primary profile location.
- The default filter for a person-to-person portal is the people directly reporting to the manager regardless of location.
- Filter – Click the Filter button to apply criteria and refine the list of people in view. Sort the list by clicking column headers.
- Filters can be altered, but will only show individuals the manager is allowed to see based on the filter.
My Team - People
Training Progress Summaries
Progress charts summarize your employee training goals, listing both Courses to Complete and Assigned Goals by due date. Number totals and percent complete provided with hover text. Above the People results lists, two pie charts display dashboard information.
- Courses – A pie chart displays total number of Courses To Complete by category: Required, Enrollments, Interests
- Assigned – A pie chart shows number of assigned Goals by due date: No Due Date, More than 30 Days, Less than 30 Days, Past Due - including both course and accreditation goals.
View User Details
View employee details including Location, Position, and Goal Progress. Note: To learn about the details slide-in pages mentioned below, watch this VIDEO.
- Status – People with assignments past due are flagged with a small red dot on their Status icon. Click this icon to expand the view of an individual's account information and profile details. Additional icons provide an overview of the selected user's training plan, including:
- Courses To Complete : Opens a popup showing the list of courses the employee see on their own Courses to Complete page, including the current enrollment status. A red counter on the icon displays the number of entries to be found. Click on the Course Name to open a course details slide-in page with additional information about the course, the employee's status, and action buttons the manager can use to update the employee with regard to the course.
- Training Plan: Opens a popup showing the list of courses or accreditations a user has assigned as a goal. A red counter on the icon displays the number of entries to be found. Click on the Course Name or Accreditation Name to open a details slide-in page with additional information and actions available.
- Training History : Opens a popup displaying the employee's training history for courses and accreditations, including access to download employee Certificates of Completion. Click on the Course Name or Accreditation Name to open a details slide-in page with additional information and actions available.
- Accreditation Level : For portals using Accreditations, an employee's highest achieved level, by number, will display in the icon. Click on the Accreditation Name to open a details slide-in page with additional information and actions available.
- Goal Progress – For each employee, a bar chart displays percent each user has completed of their assigned training goals
- Action – Click the Edit Profile button to manage a person's User Group membership. Add or remove the individual from any number of groups in type-ahead list.
- Export the current filtered list to .XLS, .CSV, or .PDF format by clicking the appropriate format icon on the right, above the column headers.
MY TEAM - Goals
Goal Progress Summaries
Progress charts summarize your employee training goals, listing both Courses to Complete and Assigned Goals by due date. Number totals and percent complete provided with hover text. Above the Goals results lists, two pie charts display dashboard information.
- Goals– A pie chart displays total number of Goals assigned by status: Achieved, Assigned, Waived
- Assigned – A pie chart shows number of Assigned Goals by due date: No Due Date, More than 30 Days, Less than 30 Days, Past Due - including both course and accreditation goals.
View Goal Details and Manager Actions
The Goals tab displays employees and their training goals in varying statuses along with Action buttons. Actions available depend on the type of goal and how it was assigned to the employee (self-assigned, manager-assigned, or rule-assigned).
- Due Date – The date on which the goal is due to be completed, if established during the goal-setting process.
- Status - the Status column displays an icon to represent the employee's goal status at a glance. A plain circle indicates the goal is in progress and not overdue. A circle with a red dot indicates the goal is past due. A trophy indicates the goal is complete. Click the icon to expand the goal information, including the type of goal, the date assigned, who/what assigned the goal, and if the manager is allowed, fields to change the due date, reminders, and earliest score date for that specific record.
- Goal - Click on the Course Name or Accreditation Goal Name to open a details slide-in page with additional information and actions available.
- User - The user assigned the goal and their username.
- Location - The user's location associated with the goal.
- Actions - Options will vary depending on the goal type and assignment method.
- Waive Goal : Click to exclude an employee from having to complete the goal. This is the only way to remove a rule-based goal assignment for a specific employee. This capability must be turned on in LMS Information settings by the portal administrator.
- Edit Goal : Click to open up editable fields related to the goal.
- Delete Goal : This will delete the selected goal, but can only be used for manually assigned goals. Self-assigned goals can be removed by the student. A manager may delete goals they assigned but will not be able to delete goals set by other managers. A portal administrator would need to intervene.
Goals assigned by rules will reappear the next time the rule is run. Use Waive to exempt the employee from the rule-based goal.
- Add a Goal: if enabled by the portal administrator, use the [+Goals] button in the upper right corner to manually add a goal to one or more employees. The manager must also have a role assigned higher than Student.
Accreditation Progress
In portals using Accreditations, managers and administrators can use the My Team - Accreditations page to view team and employee accreditation status to help track team progress. A bar graph at top of page summarizes the number of people that have achieved each accreditation-related objective, providing a quick overview of team strengths and knowledge gaps. Results table provides the detailed list of users who are certified, who is working toward their compliance goals, and shortcuts for assigning new goals.
For details on using My Team - Accreditations, click HERE.
Skills Progress
The My Team - Skills tab focuses on the skills-based curriculum form of accreditation. Managers can easily assess team compliance, view their employee's detailed curriculum status, and assign new training goals. The Skill Profile matrix will display not only the number of certified employees in each Skill Area, but also who has been assigned goals for each Skill Level. Action buttons make quick work of managing employee goals, course interests, and enrollments.
For details on using My Team - Skills, click HERE.
Approving Self-Registrations, Interests, Enrollments, and Self-Study Completions
Managers and administrators can use the My Team - Approvals page or the standalone Approvals page to view approval requirements for users falling under their purview. The process for both pages works the same.
For details on using My Team - Approvals or the Approvals page, click HERE.