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Paying Course Tuition
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Students can purchase tuition-based LMS courses and other training-related activities in two ways: Direct Bill or Credit Card. Thanks to Latitude’s partnership with PayPal, learners who enroll in tuition-based courses can use their Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or debit cards to make online payments, or agree to be invoiced for the cost of tuition.
LMS users can always log into the system, search their Course Catalog, and view course details for free. They will only be prompted for payment upon clicking the “Enroll” button for a course that is set to require tuition.
Direct Billing
Students at locations for which “Direct Billing” has been enabled can fill out the Tuition Payment form as described below, then click
Complete Purchase
to finalize their enrollment. Portal Administrators can run a report to capture Direct Billing payments. It's found under
Classic Reports
Course Reports
Course Payment by Direct Bill Report
Payment Method
: Select
Direct Billing
Coupon Code
: This option is only available in portals that have the “Coupon Discounts” feature enabled. If you have a valid coupon code for LMS tuition, enter it here and click
Apply Coupon
. Portal Administrators can learn more about providing Discounts in the
Discount Coupons for Course Tuition
Purchase Order / Reference Number
: Enter a purchase order number or other reference you want to include with your payment information. This can help LMS Administrators and accounts receivable staff bill and reconcile statements for purchased training.
*Billing Agreement
(required field): Students must agree to the billing statement in order to enroll in a tuition-based course.
Credit Card
To pay course tuition with a credit or debit card, complete the fields on the payment form as described below, then click
Complete Purchase
to finalize the enrollment. Portal Administrators can run a report to capture Credit Card payments. It's found under
Classic Reports
Course Reports
Course Payment by Credit Card Report
Payment Method
: Select
Credit Card
Coupon Code
: This option is only available in portals that have the “Coupon Discounts ” feature enabled. If you have a valid coupon code, enter it here and click Apply Coupon. If the discount is enough to cover full tuition, you can skip payment information below. Portal Administrators can learn more about providing Discounts in the
Discount Coupons for Course Tuition
Credit Card options:
Debit or Credit Card
and follow the prompts to complete your payment.
Payment Inquiries and Support
Students can expect to receive course enrollment confirmation messages as usual.
All credit card payments are processed through PayPal’s Secure Payment platform. Direct billing is not processed through the LMS, so invoices will come from your organization’s preferred billing platform. Please contact your training company or LMS administrators with questions regarding invoice charges, payment discrepancies, or refund requests. These requests are not supported by LatitudeLearning®.