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Person-to-Person User Reporting Hierarchy
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Introduction: LMS reporting Structures
To grant a user administrative or managerial oversight, Portal Administrators can choose between two different types of reporting relationships between LMS users: a
Position Code
hierarchy or a direct
In Position Code reporting, position codes are created to establish Superior/Subordinate relationships that determine user oversight. These relationships enable users with superior positions (managers) to view training, approve course enrollment requests, and set and manage training goals for subordinate users (students) as appropriate. This reporting style is best used when the reporting structure designates subordinates to report to a specific superior position consistently throughout the organization.
Person-to-Person reporting enables Portal Administrators to set up reporting relationships based on Username, rather than Position codes. With Person-to-Person reporting, a user may have zero, one, or multiple managers, similar to the way many organizations are structured today. These relationships also enable managers to view training, approve course enrollments and set and manage user goals in the same way they can with for Position Code Reporting. Managers are assigned at a user's Profile level, so it is possible to assign different managers to oversee the user at the various organizations in which they work.
LatitudeLearning® uses
Position Hierarchy as the reporting structure standard
for new portals. Even Portal Administrators who select Person-to-Person for user and training management must still rely on the LMS Position structure to generate
Training Progress Reports
, assign
Certifications and Curriculums
(via Position Groups), and approve
Self Registrations
. We recommend maintaining some degree of Position hierarchy in addition to setting up P2P managers.
Whether you're considering implementing Person-to-Person in your new LMS or transitioning an existing LMS to this new reporting structure, please consider contacting
Latitude Support
for consultation services.
Configure Person-to-Person Reporting Hierarchy
It is important to understand that enabling Person-to-Person functionality will instantly change your LMS end user experience. The Managerial Hierarchy will drive data found under the manager's My Team page or Employees and Approvals tabs. It will also scope the list of users a manager can see in
Enroll Others
and progress-tracking features.
Portal Administrators can follow these steps to switch from Position Code to Person-to-Person:
From left navigation menu, open
Site Management > LMS Information.
Use the
Reporting Hierarchy
option to select the preferred setting: Position Code or
Populate managerial relationships between users. This can be done manually through the
Add/Edit Profile
To update large sets of user data,
contact Latitude Support
to discuss mass data migration options.
A portal administrator can toggle between reporting structures as necessary with no impact to user account or profile data. A user's Position and/or Manager assignments for both reporting hierarchies are maintained in the database.
Build Reporting relationships between users
Once Person-to-Person is enabled, Portal Administrators must build a direct reporting structure between LMS users for administrative or managerial oversight. Each user profile can be assigned in different ways:
One manager
– When a user has one manager, the profile relationship is flagged as "Direct Manager".
Multiple managers
– Administrators can assign users a Direct Manager using the radio button. Add Alternate Managers as necessary. (At this time the "Direct Manager" flag is purely informational, as Direct and Alternate managers have same scope of user oversight.)
No managers
– Manager assignment is not required, which means there may be some users at the of the P2P hierarchy who are unmanaged.
Manager assignments work in conjunction with the three standard profile elements:
Organization, Position, Role
. Portal Administrators must consider the way each profile assignment controls user rights in the system, and who within the LMS will have training responsibilities beyond a "student" role. Read more here:
Manager User Account and Profile Records
Import New Users with Managers Assigned
User Import Template
includes two columns for Person-to-Person reporting:
Manager Username
Alternate Manager Usernames
. Portal Administrators can add one Direct Manager and may choose to add one or more Alternate managers in these columns. When adding multiple Alternate Managers, separate the usernames with a comma.
Add Manager Assignments to Existing User Profile
Begin from the left navigation menu by selecting
User > Search Users
. Using the available selection criteria, find the targeted user and click
Edit User Profile
Add a Manager
to expand the section.
Select a Manager
to open a User Search picker and select the appropriate manager's profile.
Assign as Direct Manager
, set the
Effective Date
, or enter optional
End Date
for this managerial relationship.
Add Manager
to submit changes.
An example of multiple manager assignments to a single user profile is shown below.
Key Points in P2P Employee Oversight
LatitudeLearning® enhanced the logic used by the LMS to scope a P2P manager's view of employees. Some features affected by person-to-person reporting now scope a manager's employee visibility based primarily on roles, and for some higher roles, by organizational purview. Other features retain the original P2P functions that rely on managers sharing organizational relationships with their subordinates and toggling between various profiles to view employees in other locations. Until all work is complete, there will be differing experiences in P2P employee visibility depending on the function being used.
Features that now support improved scoping are: Announcements, My Team (People, Goals, Team Certifications, Pending Approvals), the Report Writer, and Goal Assignments. Important points to understand about this improved logic when P2P is enabled:
A user's highest role assignment at each assigned organization controls scoping logic.
Administrative users with the roles
Portal Administrator
, or
will be able to search, manage, and train all users within their organizational tree, regardless of their position code.
Managers with the roles
Location Manager
will not be scoped by organization and will display all users who fall under their managerial tree.
Users with both administrative profiles and direct reports will see a unified employee list across their assigned organizations, in addition to their direct reports located anywhere.
User filter criterion "Position" will ignore the position code hierarchy and return all active positions in the type-ahead.
Scoping improvements to Enroll Others and other P2P-impacted features are in progress. Most new updates to P2P employee visibility are not retroactive to Classic LMS pages. This is why we recommend using the new icon-driven Navigation page interface when P2P is enabled.
The Manager Experience
Any LMS user who is a manager of other users will gain access to additional
My Team
Full of dynamic information about their employees' training status, this tool makes training oversight and approval management easy.
My Team
Managers have a number of tools available to them from the
My Team
page, including a list of their employees across all organizational profiles, user details and drill down, and even tabs that navigate between team training views.
to fine-tune the employee list shown. Apply the criterion "
User > Directly reports to > [you]
" to find just your Direct Reports.
Pending Approvals
Training coordinators use their Pending Approvals page to manage employee requests for new account registration, security lockouts, interest list additions, and course enrollments. Access pending requests directly from the Navigation page via the
Pending Approvals
icon or from your
My Team
Enroll Others
When a user is assigned subordinates and has the role Location Manager and above, the manager can enroll their employees in courses. On the
Enroll Others
page, a manager can open the
Choose Students
picker and search for subordinates to enroll. User Search results will only display users who directly report to this manager from the same location. P2P Scoping improvements to this are expected in 2020. Learn more about this in by reviewing
Enrolling Others in a Course
Automated Messages
Site Management > Edit Messages
, the portal administrator can configure a specific message to send a copy (CC) to a user’s manager under these conditions:
The manager must have the LMS role checked/enabled in the message's CC configuration
The manager must be listed on the user’s profile as a Direct or Alternate (Indirect) Manager
Once a CC is enabled for a message event, the direct and alternate managers with those roles for any user will receive the message when appropriate. There is no way to fine-tune which roles get the message for some users, but not others. One means of determining who in those roles will receive notifications for particular users is to view a manager’s “All Direct Reports” view. When a message’s CCs are turned on for those roles, a manager will get copied on that message whenever it is sent to someone listed in their “Direct Reports” view. Learn more here:
Edit LMS Messages and Manage Automated Notifications
The Administrator Experience
LMS users assigned a Role above Location Manager --
Location Administrator, Instructor, Administrator, Portal Administrator
-- have full oversight of all users within their assigned organizations. Ultimately, the list of users administrators will find in the Employees, Approvals and Enroll Others features is not restricted by either reporting hierarchy.
Classic Home Page Tools
Employees Tab
All Direct Reports
view is the default view on this page. The manager’s role will determine who is displayed in this list at the supervisor’s Default Location.
Those who have a Portal Administrator, Administrator, or Location Administrator role in their Default Location profile will see all employees at that location.
Those who have the Location Manager role will only see their direct report employees at their default location.
All Managers, regardless of their roles, can use the
All Direct Reports
view to see employees at all locations who report directly to them.
Department Certification
view allows managers to view and set Goals for subordinates. The
Department Curriculum
view allows a manager to monitor progress of employees working toward department-wide curriculum goals.
: Department Certification and Department Curriculum will only display subordinates at Manager’s default profile location or at a secondary profile location, if it has been activated on the
My Details
Approvals Tab
tab allows managers to approve pending
Interests, Self Registration
, and
requests from subordinate users in the manager's Default Location. To manage approvals outside of their Default Location, managers will have to open the
My Details
tab and activate other profiles.