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This procedure only affects users who do not go through a single sign-on process (SSO) to access the LMS.
The LMS sets a six attempt limit on failed logins to your account before locking it. After the fifth unsuccessful attempt, the Log In button is replaced by the Reset Your Password button. To avoid locking your account at this point:
- Click Reset Your Password to open the Forgot Password window and request a new password as described in the password reset instructions below.
- Close and re-open your browser before attempting to log in with the new password.
Once your account is locked, you must contact your portal administrator or support staff to unlock it. Do not contact LatitudeLearning for a new password unless you are a approved contact and Portal Administrator for your portal. For security reasons, it is not Latitude's policy to make changes to user login security without the approval of an official portal administrator.
To Reset Your Password
If you do not remember the password to your LatitudeLearning® LMS account and need to reset it:
- From the Sign In screen, click Forgot Your Password.
- In the Forgot Password window, enter your LMS Username or your E-mail information and the security code presented at the time.
- Click Submit.
The LMS will send you an email with a new system-generated password. After logging in with the new password, you are prompted to change your password before returning to the LMS. Password requirements can be viewed by hovering your mouse cursor over the Password field-level help icon.
Here is how certain situations and potential conflicts will be handled by the system:
- If entering email only and it is not found to be a duplicate email on another account, the new password is sent to that email
- If entering email only and it is found to be a duplicate email for another user, the requesting user gets the message "The supplied email address is registered to more than one account. Either supply a username as well, or contact your administrator." Upon entering a username and resubmitting, the new password is sent.
- If entering username only and the user has an email, the new password is sent to that email.
- If entering username only and the user does NOT have email, the requesting users gets the message "The supplied user does not have an email address on record." and no new password is provided.
- If entering both an email and a username that are valid, but not saved together, the requesting user gets a message "No matching data is found." Example, if the username and email are found on different accounts.
- If entering both an email and a username that are valid and saved together, a new password is sent that email.
To Change Your Password Anytime
It is a good practice to change your password to the LMS on a regular basis to protect your information and your training history. You can change your password and other select account information on demand if the Account feature is enabled for your use by the portal administrator. If it has not, you will need to contact your portal administrator for assistance.
- When logged in, go to your Classic Home page My Details tab or from the Navigation menu, open the Account
- In the password and password confirmation fields, provide and confirm your new password, then submit the changes.