Account Information
User Account
User is globally active
User is globally inactive
First Name
First Name matches exactly
Not Equal
First Name does not match exactly
First Name contains input string
Does Not Contain
First Name does not contain input string
Starts With
First Name starts with input string
Last Name
Last Name matches exactly
Not Equal
Last Name does not match exactly
Last Name contains input string
Does Not Contain
Last Name does not contain input string
Starts With
Last Name starts with input string
Username matches exactly
Not Equal
Username does not match exactly
Username contains input string
Does Not Contain
Username does not contain input string
Starts With
Username starts with input string
Email matches exactly
Not Equal
Email does not match exactly
Email contains input string
Does Not Contain
Email does not contain input string
Starts With
Email starts with input string
Brand |
Is |
User is associated with the brand |
Isn't |
User is not associated with the brand |
Audience |
Is |
User is a member of the Audience |
Isn't |
User is not a member of the Audience |
User Last Login Date |
Is On |
User last logged in on this exact date |
On or Before |
User last logged in on this exact date or prior |
On or After |
User last logged in on this exact date or after |
User Account Start Date |
Is On |
User Account started on this exact date |
On or Before |
User Account started on this exact date or prior to it |
On or After |
User Account started on this exact date or after it |
User Account End Date |
Is On |
User Account ended on this exact date |
On or Before |
User Account ended on this exact date or prior to it |
On or After |
User Account ended on this exact date or after it |
User |
Is |
Use type-ahead to find name or username is |
Isn't |
Use type-ahead to find name or username is not |
Directly Reports to |
Use type-ahead to find name of user's direct manager |
Reports Up to |
Use type-ahead to find name of user's indirect manager |
Position Group |
Is |
Users who belong to the position group |
Isn't |
Users who do not belong to the position group |
Preferred Language |
Is |
Users who have the preferred language |
Isn't |
Users who do not have the preferred language |
Profile Attributes
User Profile
Is Active
Is Inactive
Is Primary |
Is Not Primary |
User has an active Position in a profile which is in Department
User has an active Position that is not associated with Department
User has inactive Position in a profile which is in Department
User has the Position as active in profile
User has a Position in profile that is not the given Position
User has the Position as inactive in profile
Is Primary As |
User has this as their Primary position |
Position Start Date
(multiple position selection
possible) |
Is On |
User Position began on this exact date |
On or Before |
User Position began on this exact date or prior |
On or After |
User Position began on this exact date or after |
Position End Date
(multiple position selection |
Is On |
User Position ended on this exact date |
On or Before |
User Position ended on this exact date or prior |
On or After |
User Position ended on this exact date or after |
User has the Role as active in profile
User has a Role in profile that is not the given Position
User has the Role as inactive in profile
User Group
User is a member of the User Group
User is not a member of the User Group
In Hierarchy
User Profile exists at selected Organization or any of the Organizations below
Not In Hierarchy
User Profile does not exist at selected Organization or any of the Organizations below
In Exact Organization
User Profile exists at exactly the Organization selected
Not in Exact Organization
User Profile does not exist at exactly the Organization selected
Training History
Is Enrolled
User has a transcript for course with status of “Scheduled” or “Launched”
Is Not Enrolled
User does not have a transcript for course with status of “Scheduled” or “Launched”
Is On Interest List
User has course on Interest List
Is Not On Interest List
User does not have course on Interest List
Valid transcript, passed
User has a transcript for course with transcript status as “Attend (Pass)” and “Attend No Bill (Pass)”
Valid transcript, never passed
User has a transcript for course with transcript status as “Fail”, “Attend (Post Test Required)”, “Attend (Post Test Required) No Bill”
Goal Achieved |
User has achieved this course as a goal. |
Goal Assigned |
User is assigned this course as a goal. |
Goal Waived |
User had this course waived as a goal. |
Goal Past Due |
User is assigned this course as a goal and it is overdue. |
Enrollment Location
Is Enrolled at Primary
User has transcript that originated from user’s Primary Organization. This search is independent of Course search.
Isn't Enrolled at Primary |
User has transcript that originated from a user’s secondary Organization. This search is independent of Course search. |
Has Achieved
User has current Certification Transcript record for selected Certification / Curriculum
Goal Assigned |
User has the Certification assigned as a goal. |
Assigned Not Achieved
User has current Goal assignment for selected Certification / Curriculum, but has not met criteria for completing goal
Not Assigned
User does not have current Goal assignment for selected Certification / Curriculum. (Result list will be users not in Assigned Not Achieved classification.)
Not Achieved
User does not has current Certification Transcript record for selected Certification / Curriculum. (Result list will be users not in Has Achieved classification.)
Has Revoked |
User had the Certification but it has since been revoked. |
Goal Past Due |
User has the Certification assigned as a goal and it is past due. |
Goal Waived |
User had the Certification assigned as a goal and was waived. |
Goal Achieved |
User has achieved the Certification as a goal. |
Course Score |
Is Greater Than |
The user's score is greater than the value and doesn't include the value. |
Is Greater Than or Equal To |
The user's score is greater than or equal to the value. |
Is Equal To |
The user's score is equal to the value. |
Is Less Than or Equal To |
The user's score is less than or equal to the value. |
Is Less Than |
The user's score is less than the value and doesn't include the value. |
Performance Data (Portal Specific) |
to be determined |
For portals using Performance Data feeds into their Certification programs, Latitude can enable user search filters that use the performance data (e.g. users with Sales Closing Rates under 50%) |
Person-to-Person portals only
User Reporting
Has Manager
User Profile includes a Manager (Direct or Alternate)
Has No Manager
User Profile does not include a Manager (Direct or Alternate)
Last Name Is
Direct Manager Last Name matches exactly
Last Name Isn't
Direct Manager Last Name does not match exactly
Last Name Contains
Direct Manager Last Name contains input string
Last Name Doesn't Contain
Direct Manager Last Name does not contain input string
Last Name Starts With
Direct Manager Last Name starts with input string
Alternate Manager
Last Name Is
Alternate Manager Last Name matches exactly
Last Name Isn't
Alternate Manager Last Name does not match exactly
Last Name Contains
Alternate Manager Last Name contains input string
Last Name Doesn't Contain
Alternate Manager Last Name does not contain input string
Last Name Starts With
Alternate Manager Last Name starts with input string