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Subscription Programs
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Subscription programs are a collection of courses made available only to specific organizations (i.e clients, franchises, stores) within your LMS. Once you create and assign a Subscription, users within the subscribed organization have at-a-glance access to this specific coursework under the “Available Subscription Courses”' section of the Classic Home page (shown in the first image below) or on the new workflow Navigation page under the
Subscription Courses
icon (shown in the second image.)
This document explains how Portal Administrators can employ the Subscription Management feature to create a training program, manage courses associated with it, and then assign the program to an organization. It also covers the course, organization, and subscription settings that can be used to forgo enrollment requirements for tuition payment or manager approval.
Create a Subscription
From the left navigation menu, select
Course Support
Add Subscription
Complete the Add Subscription form by entering a unique
Subscription Code
Start Date
. The
End Date
field is optional and will terminate the program on the date entered.
to save changes.
Manage Subscription Coursework
There are two ways to manage subscription courses:
Add or delete multiple courses at a time by editing the Subscription
Changes made to subscription Start Date, End Date, and Course lists from the Add/Edit Subscription pages apply globally.
Update individual Courses with subscription information
Course catalogs are tied to the Business Unit (BU) organizational level. Some course attributes are BU-specific, including Subscriptions. This means that changes made to subscription information from a course will only apply to the BU associated with the portal administrator's currently active profile. In a multiple BU LMS, the portal administrator would need to switch profiles to a location in the other BUs and edit the course-based subscription data separately for each relevant BU.
A course can only belong to one subscription in each catalog.
Edit a Subscription
From the left navigation menu, select
Course Support
Search Subscriptions
Enter criteria, if desired, and click
Select the linked Code or Name of the target Subscription.
General Information
: Use this page to edit the Code, Name, or Subscription Start Date and End Date.
Subscription Courses
: Use this page to manage the list of courses related to the subscription.
Add courses
to search for and select one or more courses to include in the subscription.
Select the
checkbox next to a course to identify it for removal.
to save any of the changes made.
: On the Subscription Courses tab, for each course listed, the "Organizations" column lists the Business Units in which the course belongs to the subscription. In this context, "ALL" does not mean that the course is being shared with every BU in your LMS. "ALL" means that of all the course catalogs that the course belongs to, the subscription tied to that course is fully set up for all of them. Anything other than "ALL" indicates that one or more BUs have access to the course, but not to the Subscription for it.
If you have BU-specific subscription course lists, we recommend making all changes to that subscription at the course level. The Add/Edit Subscription pages apply updates universally, so that every time you click "Submit" for Subscription Courses, all courses in the list will once again be added to ALL relevant BUs.
Add/Edit a Course with Subscription Information
Courses can also be added or removed from subscriptions on an individual basis during both the
Add Course
and Edit Course processes. A course can only belong to one subscription in each BU/catalog. Course enrollment and approval options change dynamically based on the subscription information provided.
Add a Course with Subscription (Universal Settings):
When adding a new course to the LMS, you can define subscription behavior that applies to the course in all catalogs.
Review all course configuration settings in this document:
Add a New Course to the LMS
Use the
Subscription Program
field to select an existing subscription from the drop down menu.
If you are adding a new course and want to create a new subscription for it, you can click
Add new subscription program
to access the Add Subscription form. Once you provide subscription information, new enrollment options become available.
When you have finalized your settings, click
Add Course
: Sharing an existing course with another organization will create that course in the selected catalog as it is currently configured. This means that once a course has been added to a subscription program, the "Subscription", "Non-Subscribers Can Enroll", and "Approval Required" settings will be standard across Business Units.
Add subscription information to an Existing course (Specific to Business Unit):
All updates made to the Course General Information page apply only to the Subscription Course list for the BU associated with the Portal Administrator's current active profile. Because course subscription settings can be configured differently for each Business Unit, once a course is added, any subscription changes made at the Course level for BU "A" will not apply to the same course shared to the BU "B" catalog.
To make catalog-specific changes to subscriptions outside of your Default Organization,you must switch profiles between the various Business Units. Follow these instructions for information on switching profiles:
Navigate Between Two or More Active Profiles
To update the Course's subscription information:
From the left navigation menu, select
Search Courses
to find and open the target course.
Select the
tab and expand the
Additional Information
Use the
Subscription Program
field to select an existing subscription from the drop down menu.
Once subscription information is entered, new enrollment options will appear on the page.
These settings are also configured separately per catalog (Business Unit).
When you have finalized your settings, click
Save Course
Update a Location with Subscription Information
Once you have created a Subscription with the desired bundle of coursework, you need to assign the subscription program to one or more Locations within your
LMS organization structure
. With this final step, the program goes live, adding the “Available Subscription Courses”' section to the Classic Home page or Navigation page Subscription Courses
for all users with profiles tied to the targeted Locations.
: Any course approval or tuition requirements do not apply to subscribing students.
Deploy a Subscription at a Targeted Location
To assign a subscription program to a location:
Search for and edit the location to which the subscription will be added.
On the location's General Information tab, scroll to the bottom and find the
Existing Subscriptions tied to the location, if any, are displayed. Edit information for those, as needed. To add a new subscription, expand the Add a Subscription section.
Select the
from the drop-down list.
Select the
Enroll Date.
: From the “Subscriptions” section, you can modify any existing subscriptions with an Enroll Date and/or Cancel Date to control the time frame in which the Location is actively subscribed. Update the Credits Allowed field as necessary for subscriptions that include tuition-based courses.
Credits Allowed Restriction
Students within a subscribed organization can enroll in all subscription courses without paying tuition, when applicable. LMS administrators can dictate who this applies to:
Leave the
Credits Allowed
field blank to allow a tuition exemption for all subscribed students.
Enter credits to have specific organizations (i.e clients, franchises, stores) pre-pay the tuition for subscription courses, allowing their students to enroll for “free” by leveraging their bank of purchased course credit.
Administrators who have created subscription programs that include tuition-based courses can use the
Course Credits Allowed
field to indicate the number of pre-paid subscription credits per organization. This parameter will not block course enrollment once the credit limit has been met, but instead will re-establish course tuition and/or approval requirements, as subsequent enrollments will be considered "non-subscribers".
Course Credits Used
field displays the total number of enrollments (multiplied by the number of credits per course) for each subscribing organization. Subscription credits are only counted when the
Course Credits Allowed
field has been populated. Credits are considered "used" upon successful enrollment, regardless of cancellation, course completion, and other enrollment scenarios.
: The subscription credit restriction works only when related courses have the “Credit” field populated.
Subscription Rules and Functionality
Rule 1
: A course can only belong to one subscription in each Course Catalog. If you attempt to add a course to more than one subscription, you will receive an error message.
Rule 2
: A subscription can be assigned to one or more locations, and locations can host more than one subscription at a time. Therefore, you should never need to create subscriptions with overlapping courses. Assign multiple subscriptions to the desired location instead.
Rule 3
: If you have limited course enrollment to subscribing students only, all learners that share the same Course Catalog will still be able to search for the subscription course and view the Course Details page. However, non-subscribers will see the “Enroll” button grayed out, and will receive the following error message should they try to click on it:
Rule 4:
When a subscription has been restricted by the Course Credits Allowed field, students at that organization will be considered "subscribers" until the enrollment limit is met. Once the allotted credits have been used, students enrolling in subscription courses from the same organization will be considered "non-subscribers", which may invoke course tuition and/or approval requirements.
The Subscribed Student Experience
Student-users within the subscribed organization have at-a-glance access to program coursework under the “Available Subscription Courses”' section of their home page. From there, students can click the
View Details
button and enroll in courses without their manager’s approval or paying tuition, if applicable.
However, once a student enrolls in a subscription course, the course moves out of the "Available Subscription Courses" section of his or her homepage, and depending on the type of course, into the "Self Studies" (Assessment, e-Learning, Self Study) or “Live Courses” (Classroom, Virtual Classroom) section. Note that the student-view of subscription titles changes dynamically based on their enrollment status in each course.