Proposed Enhancements

Improvements to Latitude Connect and Latitude Learning

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  1. Develop a common header that operates the same in the LMS as it does in the CMS.
  2. Develop a common footer for both the LMS and CMS (does not exist today).
  3. Update the security apparatus technology to leverage SAML.  In the security context include (Name, UserID, Position Code, Position Group, OrgID)
  4. Update the CMS to build security roles proactively not reactively, it’s my understanding that the roles are not created in the CMS until a user logs in through the CMS the first time.  This makes it impossible to set permission on content.
  5. Use the full names of roles from the LMS as opposed to the codes.  For example, we use Position Group in the CMS today to control who sees what content, but the position group name is FCA-12345 where 12345 is the PostionGroup ID in the LMS.  (It should read Sales Managers).
  6. If LatitudeConnect is deployed with the LMS, enable the LMS to see the CMS pages so they can be used to set landing pages for users. 


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