Proposed Enhancements

Offer Course Image Defaults by Topic

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We chose to default images by Course Type for a few reasons, including:

  1. It’s a required field, therefore every course is guaranteed a default image assignment
  2. It’s a single selection, hard coded attribute (courses are tied to only one delivery method, which cannot be edited after creation)
  3. Seemed natural to provide default imagery that delineates courses based on type of content

Topics would be a little more complicated for similar reasons:

  1. It’s an optional feature. Many LMS clients do not utilize topics.
  2. It’s an optional course attribute. What image should display for courses with no Topic tags?
  3. It’s a multiple selection option. What image should display for courses with more than one Topic tag?

Perhaps we could add another layer to the default configuration… So your Course Type Default images remain, but if provided, would be overridden by Topic Defaults, which would continue to be overridden by individual course images? 

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