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The Courses To Complete page lists all your required and in-progress training activities. Sort the course list by clicking the quick filter tabs at the top of the page, which may include any combination of Required, Enrollments, and Interests. Once you complete a course, it will automatically fall off this list. Open your Training History page to review completed courses.
Course Information
A button in upper right corner of the page allows you to toggle between course Tile View or List View.
- Click a Course List entry or a Course Tile to activate the Course Details Slide-in, which includes course code, description, type, duration, tuition, credits, and more.
- The Course Details Slide-in also shows the user's current enrollment status in the course and offers appropriate action buttons at the bottom based on the course delivery method and the enrollment status. The action buttons are described in the next section.
- To close the Course Details Slide-in, use that collapse arrow next to the course name at the top of the slider or simply click off the slider onto the Courses to Complete page.
Action Buttons
Action on the Course Details Slide-in according to course type, enrollment settings, and the user's personal training status. Hover text describes each action below.
Self-Paced Learning
- Launch course content in a new tab or window.
- Enroll in courses with multiple lesson requirements, like Course Group.
- Cancel an enrollment or interest request.
- Review Course allows a student to review the content of a completed course without creating a new enrollment. Requires the course to enable Can Relaunch on the course details.
- Mark Complete To complete a Self-Study course that is set to allow self-certification.
- View Components for Course Groups, this button opens an additional slide-in over the Course Details slide-in which lists all of the courses you must complete to get credit for completing the course group. Click on a component course name in the list to open the course details slide-in, with action buttons, for that particular component.
- View Resources will open an additional slide-in over the Course Details slide-in listing any additional course materials that have been attached to the course for launch or download.
- Open Resource to download or launch content in list.
- Transcript Attachments to upload or review attachments for manager-certified self-study courses.
- Manager Certify used by students to submit their self-study course to a manager for approval. Manager-certified self-study courses only.
Instructor-Led Training
- Schedule icon allows you to peruse the course offering schedule, and enroll in classes you are eligible to take.
- Add Interest in a classroom course, so you can enroll at a later date.
- Once enrolled, the Calendar icon provides a link to the offering you are scheduled to attend.
- Download icon click will download a calendar.ics file to your preferred calendar application.
- Click the course image to see upcoming Meeting Times and the Training Facility address in Google Maps
Special displays on the course details slide-in
Resource Attachments
When a selected course has Resources attached to it, the Course Details Slide-in will display the View Resources option at the bottom of the slide-in. Click that button to open an additional slide-in that displays all associated Resources and actions to launch or download them.
Course Groups and Component Courses
When the selected course is a Course Group with multiple component courses, the Course Details Slide-in will display the View Components option at the bottom of the slide-in. Click that button to bring in an additional slide-in listing the component courses. To see the Course Details and Action buttons for a particular component course, click on the component in the list to expand it into its own Course Details Slide-in.