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Managers and administrators who use the My Team tool to view user status and manage training goals can now utilize the Team Accreditations page to help track team progress. A bar graph at top of page summarizes the number of people that have achieved each accreditation-related objective, providing a quick overview of team strengths and knowledge gaps. Results table provides the detailed list of users who are certified, who is working toward their compliance goals, and shortcuts for assigning new goals.
Summary Graph
A horizontal bar graph displays the total number of users (x axis) that have achieved each certification (y axis) in results table.
In all My Team tools, the Filter component allows you to control the user population in view. Remove default criteria by selecting "None", or refine results by user and accreditation attributes. Then click Apply Filter to refresh certification results list and corresponding graph.
Each accreditation is listed by Name and Program Year, providing user counts and a shortcut to the goal assignment wizard.
- Goals column displays the number of employees who have been assigned that certification as a goal
- Achieved column counts number of certified users on the team
- [+Goals] button will open the Assign Goals wizard, with Accreditation pre-selected on the "Training Goal" step
Click the Status icon to expand a detailed user list, complete with Accreditation Progress bars and status drill down options.
Calculating Certification Progress
Each user's Accreditation Progress bar displays percent complete according to the number of rules they have met out of total rules required. User activity triggers this algorithm to recalculate, then store results in a database table. By loading pre-calculated data, managers can see user status updates in near-real time.
The goal here is to show continual progress as a user meets each rule requirement, always reflecting their highest achievements within the rule set. Ignore requirements for which user meets "Not" or "Exempt" rules. Start from the bottom and work up the rule chain to determine progress based on rule type: Generic Rule average --> Primary Rule average --> Accreditation percent complete.
Calculate percent complete for Generic Rules based on type:
- Completion – Number of requirements met/total number
- Elective –
• Number of Requirements Completed: Number of requirements met/X
• Credits Passed: Number of course credits met/Y
- Department Objective – Do NOT calculate percentage complete, credit is all or nothing (0 or 1) at this level.
• Count: Number met/Z
- Individual Performance – Do NOT calculate percentage complete, credit is all or nothing (0 or 1) at this level.
- Location Performance – Do NOT calculate percentage complete, credit is all or nothing (0 or 1) at this level.
- Top Performance – Do NOT calculate percentage complete, credit is all or nothing (0 or 1) at this level.
Each Primary Rule is weighted based on its Generic Rule requirements.
- One Of – Average the percent of all Generic Rules, display highest percentage complete
- All Of – Count all requirements, then calculate number met/total to get percent complete
Once a user has met all rules, or has otherwise acquired an achieved certification transcript, their progress bar will display 100% complete.
Accreditation Status Details
Clicking a user's Accreditation Progress bar will open their individual status details. Each Accreditation Rule is listed with requirement name, description, and their compliance status in section header. Collapse or expand rule sets to get a full picture of remaining to-do items.
- Met – Standards user has already "met" are collapsed by default and display a green check mark next to rule name.
- Not Met – Requirement detail is expanded by default, providing course list with action buttons.
Required Courses are color coded according to user's transcript status. Click the Course Type icon to view details, or click an Action button to manage their enrollment.
- Green = Completed training.
- Yellow = Training in progress. Courses in "Pending" status will display red exclamation icon.
- Blue = On Interest List. Records in "Pending" status also display red exclamation icon.
- Red = User has completed transcript, but was not granted course credit.
- White = Not enrolled, not on interest list.
Other rule types, including Accreditation completion and Performance metrics, will display as single line requirements with no actionable click. These will also be color coded according to user's current standing.
- Green = Met
- White = Not Met