American Board of Emergency Medicine

Web-Based Certification System for Medical Board

The American Board of Emergency Medicine, a medical specialty certification board, certifies emergency physicians and manages a formal Maintenance of Certification (MoC) process for emergency physicians who meet its educational, professional standing, and examination standards.

Business Need

Increasingly, the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) had be­gun using technology and the inter­net to streamline processes associated with its Emergency Medical Continuing Certification (EMCC) program. The cur­rent certification management system required manual application and reg­istration processes, where candidates had to contact ABEM staff to manually perform administrative tasks. ABEM de­cided a web‑based system would en­hance and accommodate streamlined business practices related to the EMCC program, while maintaining a com­mon application architecture and cen­tral database of information.


LatitudeLearning launched EMCC On­line. EMCC Online helped streamline the following certification processes:
  • Candidate/Diplomat information management, including organiza­tion and maintenance of data in paper and electronic form and re­sponse to requests for information
  • Candidate/Diplomat activities re­lated to the application and regis­tration of residents and candidates for in-training, certification, recer­tification and sub-specialty exams

LatitudeLearning provides ABEM with core LMS functionality to manage examina­tions and certification. Candidates now have the ability to run reports, view individual certification status, and register for examinations. It also allows ABEM administrators to manage examination facilities, resources, and schedules. LatitudeLearning features that meet the certification needs of ABEM and its geographically dispersed clients included:
  • Flexible certification configuration that can be easily adapted to chang­ing business rules and constraints of the EMCC processes
  • Exam date, session, and location are automatically scheduled for candidates according to their geographic location, wait list status, recertification status, and other EMCC business rules
  • Certification paths enable ABEM staff, candidates, and diplo­mats to view progress toward cer­tification

The LatitudeLearning implementation of EMCC Online provides hundreds of users with immediate web-based access to their certification data. Candidates now have the ability to begin the certification process anywhere, at anytime.


ABEM audiences graciously accepted EMCC On­line, which delivered the following benefits:
  • Candidate access to the system's streamlined processes decreased the number of administration re­quests from candidates
  • Reduced administrative effort and cost to develop and accommodate EMCC best practices
  • Candidates can quickly assess their certification progress
  • LatitudeLearning flexibility and system scalability allows ABEM to more efficiently manage a large number of geographically dispersed candidates