Hello again from Latitude R&D. This is Tom Merritt with a monthly update on some of our activities regarding the LMS.
Recent Product Enhancement- Position Group Branding
To date, when a portal administrator wanted users at a certain location to see specific branding, he or she could set up branding by location stylesheets and HTML content. However, they couldn’t go any further in terms of branding by organization.
Now, there is branding by Position Group. This allows the portal administrator to display specific homepage content based on position group membership. So if you wanted, say, your technicians to see certain content on their home page, you can do that now with position group branding. All you need to do is create new HTML content and then specify that content on the Position Group page. The result is that anyone with a position code within that position group will see that branded content on their homepage.
Upcoming Releases
- We are currently working on Course Topics, which is a browsable taxonomy of topics that can be accessed via a series of links on the left side of the page. This provides a means of browsing the entire catalog by topics rather than searching by keyword.
- A refinement of 2 Factor Authentication allows you to login with your email address and name instead of providing a Location Code.
- A refinement of course search by keyword provides more heavily weighted results based on keyword match in the title. You’ll also be able to search by partial keyword.
- Move enrollments: instead of automatically cancelling course enrollments when students move to a new Location, portal administrators will have the option of having their enrollments move to the new location (providing the course is still available to the user in the new location).
Proposed Enhancements
We have posted a new blog for enhancements and suggestions. We are open to your comments on all of them. Please review them here. A sample of some of these:
- CC Managers on Messages: Modify the Messages functionality to that a student’s manager can be cc’d on the message, regardless of the manager’s role.
- Enhance Add Interest: Enhance the Add Interest page so that it uses the new Advanced User Search to identify the affected user population.
What's Coming?
As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, we’re focusing on developing a New reporting engine for users to create and save their own reports and creating a prototype UI for enhancing the user interface with responsive design but also to be more intuitive and functional for students and managers. We have just kicked off these projects and are eager to make progress on both. We’ll keep you updated as we make progress on these important initiatives.