Based on Capterra customer reviews, Latitude Learning ranked 4.5 out of 5.0 for Learning Management Systems.
Latitude Learning's LMS provides organizations the means to increase revenue, sell more, reduce warranty expenses, reduce training costs through blended learning and increase brand awareness.
"These customers reviews validate what we strive to do. We're not here to sell an LMS, we are here to remove the training program frustrations that are associated with partner training programs. Latitude continues to dominate the partner-channel LMS market with our strong commitment to our fundamental principles," said Jeff Walter, CEO of Latitude CG.
On average Latitude Learning's LMS ranked as follows:

note: Rankings are based on a value of 5, except on the "Likelihood to Recommend" category where it is based on a ranking of 10.
Comments: "Latitude's solution is perfect for the Dealer industry. The brilliant thing about Latitude is that they have experience with a dealer network distribution channel. One of the main reasons why we made a switch to Latitude was because we are looking to penetrate within the dealerships more broadly.
Latitude¿s system gives us the flexibility we need and has the features that are going to allow us to not only present better, richer training material, but also reach deeper into the dealerships. The system allows us to have control in what we do within our own program," said Laurie Rengel, Polaris.
Recommendations to other buyers: "Very cost effective for small organizations that are growing or who have a throughput of transient students. For most organizations, if you plan ahead for its deployment and use, it works better than others I have experienced. I would recommend it to any fast growing business," said Monyama Petrus, Department of Education.
Pros: "The quality of the pre-loaded course work is great. It is relevant, to the point and well designed. The ability to do bulk loads, branding and using the 'impersonate' feature is better than I expected," said Duane Waterman, Enablinc.
Read more reviews here.
What do you think? Here’s your opportunity to let potential LMS users know about Latitude Learning’s LMS. Review us here.
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About Latitude Learning
Latitude Learning, an industry leader that drives performance through training, communication, measurement, incentives and consumer engagement, is a technology first company striving to ensure that customers get the full benefit of the underlying systems and solutions that they are investing in. With the continuous change in platform capabilities and emerging trends such as mobile it is important that organizations have a solid foundation to operate from.
Over 3 million people across 6,000 organizations have used Latitude Learning's learning management system.
