General Information

Use this section to manage your account details and login credentials. An asterisk (*) indicates field is required. Click Submit to save changes.

  • Username: Display only.
  • First Name and Last Name are required fields.
  • Email: It is important to register a regularly accessed email account, as the LMS uses this email address for a range of system generated notifications (e.g. enrollment notification, wait list confirmation) and communications from managers and administrators.
  • Preferred Language: Select your preferred language. The LMS supports English, Chinese, Canadian French, Mexican Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, and German translations.
  • Optional contact information: Voice, Mobile, Fax, Affiliation, Notes, Street, City, Country, State/Province, Postal Code
  • Upload New Image: Click "Choose File" to browse and select your user image. The file must be under 10 MB in size. All images will be proportionally centered in the displayed area, but images of 100 x 100 pixels work best. 
  • Password: Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and must contain at least one each of the following: upper case letter, lower case letter, and number. Special characters are supported.

Activate Profiles

A user with multiple profiles can use this tool to toggle between training organizations.

  • Change to Location level profile by simply clicking Activate Profile.
  • Select a profile higher in your organization hierarchy by using the Choose a Location link to launch a picker, or by entering a Location Code in the text box, then clicking Activate Profile.