Latitude CG® announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning® LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, July 25, 2021.
Edit Transcripts: As a minor usability enhancement, we removed the required Number of Attempts field from the Edit Transcript page because it is not used by any current LMS functions.
Resolved Issues
Accreditations: Corrected an issue in which using the Calculate Accreditations process was not revoking Achieved status if a new course was added to the accreditation rule.
Assessments: Made the following updates -
- Assessment attempts are no longer counted at the point of launch, but rather at the point of clicking Submit at the end of the assessment attempt.
- On the legacy Course Details page, ensured that when an assessment course is set to a Once Only enrollment restriction, once anyone reaches their final assessment attempt (Pass or Fail), the launch button no longer displays. On the responsive Course Search, the Launch button will remain, but upon clicking, the user will see the "Already has Credit" message.
Goals: On My Goals and My Team - Goals, we corrected the sort logic so that initial sort is by Due Date (past due, then next closest to due, then no due dates.) On My Team - Goals, in addition to the same initial sort by due date, a secondary sort by Last name is applied. If you apply other column sorts, the only way to return to the default sort is to reload the page.
Header - Switch Profile: Fixed an issue in which searching for a location name containing a special character like an apostrophe (e.g. Bob's Cycle World) would not work in the type ahead field.
Imports: Added logging and notifications related to the Location Performance Objectives import. Note: this import must be activated through consultation with Latitude ClientCare and does not appear by default in an LMS.
Interests: Updated the Review Interest Summary so that interests tied to Locations with end-dated Locale relationships, the interest changes to the location's new locale.
Messages: Corrected multiple issues causing messages to send incorrectly, including issues with duplicate messages and incorrect message branding.
Minimum Training Requirements (MTR): Modified to include only a user's primary profile completions in the MTR calculation.
My Learning Page: Updated the Accreditation counter to exclude certification/curriculum achievements earned in other LMS portals, such as Latitude's Navigator portal administrator training portal.
My Team - Accreditations: Corrected an issue with how elective generic rules were being considered for completion credit.
Scheduled Goal Rules and Reports: Corrected failures caused when a goal rule or report is scheduled to run automatically and the goal rule or report schedule has a null end date. Now a null end date is evaluated as "indefinite" and will run until turned off.
Search Offerings: Fixed a search issue that was not differentiating properly between the filters Offered within my Locale Area and Offered to Me.
Virtual Classroom Offering: Corrected the alignment of the Edit Successful message and "check mark" icon after shown after clicking Submit while focused on the Online tab.