LatitudeLearning released a new Course Search tool, improving course filter and display options while maintaining your enrollment workflows.
Learn about the new course action buttons that display to learners based on their transcript history, interest list, and course settings.
As Adobe plans to sunset Flash Player technology by end of year, Latitude was proactive in replacing the affected Department Curriculum page with a new My Team Skills tool.
Latitude will soon release a new "Skills" tool into the LMS product, replacing the legacy Curriculum page that utilized Adobe Flash Player to display certification requirements.
Starting next week, the Courses to Complete and new Featured Courses page will offer courses in two views: the standard List View and new Tile View.
The LatitudeLearning LMS provides Portal Administrators a Navigation Page Editor, a flexible and easy-to-use tool for managing the visibility and display order of the icons on the Navigation Page.
On January 21, 2018, LatitudeLearning will release a simplified Student and Manager Workflow from the Navigation page, accessed via the header grid icon.
We streamlined the Student and Manager Workflow from the Navigation menu by creating simpler, sleeker LMS pages for each icon.
Return from the holidays to discover new LMS features, including advanced configuration options and sleek new pages. As always, we will provide Release Notes and Support Documentation for all product enhancements scheduled to release on Sunday, January 7. In the meantime, here's a sneak peak at what you'll find in the next enhancement bundle.
The User Search tool has been enhanced with type-ahead technology, replacing drop down menus and data pickers with a smart text field that will provide data matches as you type in real time. Administrators can now apply multiple filter values to each search criterion as well, making it easier to define audiences, target users for announcements, and batch enroll others.
LatitudeLearning is empowering Portal Administrators with a flexible new report writer tool, allowing them to create, organize, share, and execute custom reports. Extract the exact Course Transcript or Training Goal data you want from the LMS by defining a list of report criteria and result columns. Then name the report, save it to a folder, and run it any time.
The LMS reporting feature is made available to users based on their assigned Role. Click the Reports link in the LMS My Learning Center menu to run a classic report or to view a list of custom reports designed by your portal administrator and made available to your role.
Audience is a new concept for the LMS, specifically intended to improve the tools available to administrators for managing groups of users. In response to user requirements for enrolling large groups of users, we have created an offline (asynchronous) batch processing option for enrolling large numbers of students. In addition, we have increased the capacity for quick (synchronous) enrollments to 100.
LatitudeLearning is excited to announce the launch of our newly designed stylesheet. You spoke. Latitude listened. The LatitudeLearning community desired for an updated “look & feel” of the LMS. Our engineers eagerly went to work on designing a more modern, refreshed looking stylesheet. Good news – we are done! Great news – current and new LatitudeLearning portals have access.