Latitude CG® announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning® LMS. Version was promoted to production on Monday evening, July 8, 2024.
My Team: Made usability enhancements to the page, including -
- Removed the user icon from the left hand column of the People tab results list.
- Removed the user's Last Activity Date from the details expando and added it to the results list columns.
- Removed the progress bar shown for each user and replaced it with a status indicator for general overall progress on the student's training assignments. Green = Complete, Yellow = In Progress, Red = Not Started
- Pulled all the user details expando action buttons out and placed them in the Action column as part of the main results list.
- Removed the Action "Trophy" icon for level achieved.
- Added an "Info" icon to the Actions column that opens the detail expando and displays all the user's profile information.
- Removed the user group details and user group assignment components from the details expando.
- Added alternating white/gray line shading to the user results list to improve readability.
Courses: Added the Course delivery method to the display on Course Tiles.
User Import: Added a "Reset Existing User Passwords" checkbox to the User Import page. When selected, the Temporary Password set during the import process will be applied to the existing user accounts, as well as, new accounts that are included in the import file.
Resolved Issues
Default Active Days: Made the following changes -
- Corrected issues with how end dates cascade on user profiles when adding/modifying users at locations in which a Default Active Day setting is enabled.
- Updated to include the Manager fields in the cascading end dates for portals using Person-to-Person managerial reporting.
- Fixed issues on profiles with end-dates that are edited with Manage User > Edit Profile.
Interests: In the Review Interest List results, we corrected issues with the Date/Time not honoring the user's preferred language. We also fixed some missing translations for the Pre-Req Status column "Met" and "Not Met" entries.
Offerings: Corrected the sorting of the offering reminder days so that they always show in descending order, e.g. "7,5,2,1".
Reporting: In reports where email addresses have been added to share results, if the report generates zero results, the email will now go out, but will indicate there were no results.