We've added an "Add All" feature to the Select User page so you don't have to click "Add" on every user you want to select.
The Select User page is used within the LMS to find and select users. The most common use of the Select User page is on the Enroll Others page. Prior to this enhancement, in order to select mutiple users, you would have to click the "Add" button for each user. Now you can simply click the "Add All" button on the top of the page (see below) to add all the users in the list to the User Basket.
Windows IE users please note, if the "Add All" selects a large number of users, Windows IE might ask you multiple times if you want to "Stop running this script?" because "A script on this page is causing your browser to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer mightbecome unresponsive." Click "No" each time Windows IE asks you this question. Eventually Windows IE stops asking and allows the process to continue. Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers don't exhibit this this behavior.
This enhancement was suggested by a client that wanted an easy way to enroll all users with a Location or Position Code in a course. Since the number of users within a Location or Position Code could number in the hundreds, click "Add" on every user would be time consuming and cumbersome. Now they can simply enter the Location or Position Code in the search criteria and then click "Add All" to easily enroll a large group of users in a course.