The User Transcript Information Report is now available to all LMS Administrators. The purpose of this report is to provide LMS Administrators with a tool to easily audit course transcript updates for a user. The report includes all of a user's course registrations regardless of course status. This includes completed, scheduled, launched, waitlisted and cancelled courses.
The report presents the Enroll, Cancel, Accept, Score, Waitlist and Expiration date of each course. Additionally, it presents the Last Update Date, Type of Update, and the Username of the user that updated the transcript record if it was a manualy update. Lastly, the report provides the system generated Course ID. The LMS generates a unique Course ID for every course in the LMS. It is provided on this report to assist you just in case you've inadverantly given two courses similar Course Codes.
To access this report click on Reports then User Transcript Information. Then enter the Username of the user you wish to run the report on and select a report delivery method (e.g. PDF or Excel).
Below please find a sample of the User Transcript Information Report.