How An Extended Enterprise LMS Can Benefit Your Customers
An Extended enterprise LMS is a learning platform that encompasses every different group within your business network. That may include suppliers, partners, salespeople, freelancers or customers. It’s a way of reaching your entire network and providing online training that matches your brand values. Giving customers the opportunity to learn through your organization creates a better customer experience through superior service and brand connection. They feel positively towards your company, and they share that view within their networks.
Overcome The Complexity
Do you have a complex product that demands intensive training? Customer training through your extended enterprise LMS is an exercise in saving money and improving customer experience. Take away the wordy, uninteresting training manuals or the need to travel. That is the defining reason why businesses are choosing online training for their customers. It not only allows them to break the product knowledge into easily digestible parts but also engages the consumer on a personal level.
Think about delivering a complex piece of software or a feature-rich app. How are you supposed to support that volume of questions from a diverse group of users? How can you appease all their concerns and give them the targeted information they need to make a better-informed buying decision? An extended enterprise LMS gives you the opportunity to deliver training when and where your customer requires. If you’re in a cutting-edge industry, your training should reflect the same. Give your customers an online training experience that immerses them in the innovative, creative environment in which your products are created. They will want to learn how to use this product better and be hungry to find out about your other products, as well.
How Will An Extended Enterprise LMS Benefit Your Customers?
1. Offer Customers A Better ROI On Products
Improve the usability of your products, software or service to minimize issues, improve customer service and reward brand loyalty. Your LMS can connect with your partners, so that they provide better customer service, too. With the help of an extended enterprise LMS, customers get a better return on their investment. They have all the knowledge they need to maximize functionality and carry out regular maintenance. Thereby, extend the life of the product.
2. Overhaul Training For The Better
The key to an extended enterprise LMS is in providing far superior online training to use your products or enlist your services. You can do away with manuals and training in person. You’re also better equipped to deal with any issues that arise, thereby minimizing time in the store or call center queues. As a result, every customer gets the personalized support they need and can even seek out troubleshooting resources on their own.
3. Caters To A Worldwide Customer Base
The daunting prospect of a manual full of twenty different language versions is enough to put anyone off. Delivering customer training using your LMS allows you to deliver in multiple languages. Make sure your LMS is responsive so that the customer can access the online training material anytime, anywhere. Just make sure that your LMS offers multilingual support and, preferably, geolocation features.
4. Fosters An Active Online Support Community
With an extended enterprise LMS, it’s easy to add a social element to customer online training courses. That helps your customers get answers to user questions, meet other customers and share their feedback. They can also quickly exchange tips to further improve product functionality. Integrating your customer into your company’s social network boosts brand awareness and perception.
5. Empowers Consumers
Customers don’t have to rely solely on the customer service that your organization provides. Even if you do offer a stellar CX, they may still want to explore product knowledge autonomously. An extended enterprise LMS allows them to explore the specs, features, and perks of ownership, which is crucial during the buy-in stage of the customer journey. They can also look up online training tutorials and FAQs when they encounter a problem after the fact. All this empowers your consumers and enables them to play an active role in their own customer experience.
What Will The Business Gain From An Extended Enterprise LMS?
With any LMS project, the business case is king. Luckily, the benefits are very much two-way. An extended enterprise LMS also provides you with a wealth of customer information, increased customer loyalty, better word-of-mouth feedback. It entices users to find out about other products or services you offer. There is a clear and measurable positive impact on your bottom line. Integrating customers in your learning environment helps demonstrate the connection between online training, skilled workforce, customer experience, and profitability. In most cases, you should be able to leverage your existing LMS platform. Therefore, additional costs will be around licensing and hosting. You’ll also need to train your Instructional Designers to create appropriate online training content for customers, avoiding technical language.
Extended enterprise LMS is the future for customer-centric organizations. Do you want to demonstrate that customer experience is the top priority in your business? Then ensure your LMS is set up to include everybody linked to your business model. When you dedicate internal training resources to customer education, you shift the focus from inward-looking to outward. And therein lies a powerful commitment to excellent customer service. Everyone will benefit from better product knowledge, integrated customer communications, and product development based on customer feedback. All of which is proven to positively impact the bottom line of your business. Does your current LMS also serve your extended enterprise training?
Many organizations avoid Extended Enterprise online training because they believe it's costly, impersonalized, and untraceable. But are they letting the myths stand in the way of external partner success? Read the article 7 Common Misconceptions About Extended Enterprise Online Training to discover the most common misconceptions about Extended Enterprise online training and the truths behind them.
About The Author
Christopher Pappas is founder of The eLearning Industry’s Network, which is the largest online community of professionals involved in the eLearning Industry. Christopher holds an MBA, and an MEd (Learning Design) from BGSU.
eLearning Blogger | EduTechpreneur | eLearning Analyst | Speaker | Social Media Addict |