Classroom courses are designed to function as Instructor-led Training (ILT), either in a physical location or via webinar using a preferred web meeting application. After a Portal Administrator creates a Classroom course, he or an authorized Instructor can create Offerings in which students can enroll in the course for a specific date, time, and location.

This training video (11:45) explains the key steps necessary to add a classroom course. You can also review the step-by-step information below to learn more about creating Classroom courses and Offerings.
Note: This document assumes a prerequisite knowledge of course creation basics. It will only reference those points relevant to Classroom courses and Offerings. If you need to review the common elements of the Add Course functionality, you should read the linked document Add a New Course to the LMS and view the eight minute video, Add a Course.
Create a Classroom Course
When adding a new Classroom course, the Add Course form can be completed in much the same manner as for any other delivery method. The specific points to consider in setting up a Classroom course are:
- In the Add Course form, for the Delivery Method field, select Classroom.
- When the Add Course form is complete, click Add Course.
- In the confirmation pop-up window, determine your next step by indicating whether you:
- Are Finished: You remain in the Course Details for the new course and can continue editing. The tabs “Offering Defaults” and “Offerings” become available.
- Want to schedule an offering: Takes you to the Add Offering form for the new course.
- Want to add another course: Takes you to a new Add Course form.
Identify Qualified Instructors
Once a course is set up, you can identify which Instructors are qualified to teach the course by editing the instructor profile for designated users. See the linked document, Instructor Role - Access Rights and Functionality, for details on adding Instructors.
To assign the new course to an existing Instructor:
- From the left navigation menu, select Users => Search Instructor and use filters, as needed, to generate a list of instructors.
- Choose a qualified instructor from the list and click on their Username to open the Instructor Profile tab in their user profile.
- Under the Instructor Profile tab, click Add Courses and use the Course Picker to find and add the new course to the list of courses the person is qualified to teach.
- Click Submit.
Repeat this process, as needed, for other potential instructors. Note: Relating Instructors to courses or offerings is optional. However, if you select an Instructor to teach a course that is not included in that Instructor’s profile, the system will prompt you to add said course to the list he is qualified to teach.
Create an Offering
Any time after the Classroom course is set up, LMS administrators can create Offerings -- scheduled presentations of the course -- and open them for enrollment. Portal Administrators can create offerings for any organization in their LMS. Instructors and Administrators are limited to the organization levels they oversee, according to their profile assignments (i.e. Company, Business Unit, Division or Location).
To create an Offering:
- From the left navigation menu, select Courses => Add Offering. You can also add offerings directly from the Course Details page for a given course by opening the Offerings tab. All existing offerings display in a list. Click Add New Offering.
- On the Add Offering page, click Select a course and use the Course Picker to find and add the course related to the offering.
- After the course name loads into the Add Offering page, click Submit and Continue.
- The Add Offering form opens. Complete the form, including all mandatory fields (marked with an * asterisk). Key fields are described below. See online help
 for additional field descriptions.
a. Language: Select the language in which the offering information will be presented.
b. Instructional Language: Select the language in which the course will be taught.
c. Training Type: Select whether the course is offered by location, corporate, or via a partner.
d. Instructors: Click Select Instructor. Use the Instructor Picker to search for and select one or more instructors for the course offering. The instructors shown are qualified to teach the related course.
e. Facility: Click Select Facilities to search and select the facility in which the course will be held. If the Facility has associated Rooms or Equipment, you will also be able to select those. Note: Offering times are based on the timezone registered to the Facility chosen here. For more information, see related document: Create and Manage Training Facilities.
f. Link to classroom: Field used to provide the link for users attending a webinar, such as WebEx or JoinMe. For more information on using Offerings to schedule webinars and online meetings, see related document: Conduct Online Meetings and Webinars with Classroom Course Offerings.
g. Meeting Times Section: Start, End Dates, and Times are required. Select a Room if one is available for the selected Facility.
h. Distribution Section: Allows offering enrollment to be limited to a particular subset of users, either customized for the offering or assigned by a predefined Shared Distribution. See Using Distribution Groups for additional details. Defaults to All Users.
Note: Start Date and End Date under "Restricted Distribution" control the active period of the restriction by distribution group. Outside of the specified dates, the Offering will be visible to other users who can view the course in their catalog.
i. Reminder Messages Section: Determine whether students and instructors should get reminder messages, and if so, how many days prior to the offering. Enter “Days before start date to send” using whole numbers separated by commas. e.g. Reminders at 5 days and 3 days would be entered 5,3. The Additional Note will be part of the message and could include information about directions, parking, materials to bring, and other things the students should know.
- Click Submit. The system will create the Offering, and then display the “Actions” tab, where you can enroll students or use the new offering as a template for others.
Edit an Existing Offering
LMS administrators can also edit an existing Offering by searching for it under Courses => Search Offerings, or from within its related Course by selecting the Offerings tab.
Note: Offering dates can be modified only if no one has been enrolled in the offering. Once a user has enrolled, only the Meeting Times can be edited.
However, you do not have to cancel an entire offering just to modify the Start Date, even after students have enrolled. Instead, you can open the Offering, click the Meeting Times tab, then the Add Meeting Times link. Add the updated offering date and time information. Then, return to the same screen and Delete the original entry, as displayed below.