Articulate Storyline
User Satisfaction Index: 0
We asked your opinions on the eLearning authoring tool Articulate Storyline to find out what you think of it. New York City based Articulate promises a powerful yet easy to use solution for creating eLearning content and for the most part, it sounds like they deliver. Many noted the relative ease of use as a major advantage. However, a number of users were frustrated with Storyline's publishing options and Articulate's licensing model. We've reviewed the feedback and as our exclusive "Satisfaction Meter" indicates, the overall user satisfaction is mixed.
How They Rate Articulate Storyline
Articulate Storyline received an average rating of 7.5 from respondents, where 1 is Hate It and 10 is Love It. 29% of respondents gave Articulate Storyline a rating of 6 or less. 42% of respondents gave Storyline a rating of 7 or 8. 29% gave Articulate Storyline a rating between 9 or 10.

Scale: 1=Hate It! 10=Love It!
What They Like about Articulate Storyline
Overall people liked the user interface and design of the software, noting that the layout is relatively easy to understand and navigate including real life examples for project managers to utilize. Among the comments we received:
"The ease of delivering content direct to desktops and iPads without any republishing means we can try our hand on mobile learning without going into too much work."
"Branching scenarios are easy to visualize."
What They Don't Like about Articulate Storyline
When asked what users didn't like about the software, few had issues with the product itself, instead answers focused on publishing options or licensing restrictions.
"Trouble publishing once audio is added. 4 out of 5 of my courses, I've had to copy and paste all of the content into a new SL file in order to publish."
"Would prefer a software rental perhaps similar to Adobe's latest Photoshop offer. I may only use Articulate once or twice a year and would prefer to rent the latest version rather than buy and install."
When They Use or Recommend Articulate Storyline
The majority of those who commented said they used Storyline primarily to create eLearning content for sales and internal training purposes including both mobile and desktop learning applications.
"I use it as both a communication tool for my design team and as a presentation guide and prep tool for presentations to stakeholders and supporters"
"...for people that want to create professional looking e-learning courses and are willing to give up some creative license"
"Providing training on new applications for a client or team members"
User Satisfaction Index Calculation
The User Satisfaction Index measures overall user satisfaction based on survey responses. The User Satisfaction Index ranges from -100 to 100, where -100 represents total user dissatisfaction and 100 represents total user satisfaction. A User Satisfaction Index of 0 represents neutral or split user satisfaction. The User Satisfaction Index is calculated by taking the percentage of survey responses with a "9" or "10" and subtracting the percentage of survey responses with a "6" or less.
Let us know what you think about Articulate Storylne