What criteria is used for buying an LMS for smaller and midsize organizations?
The above question was posted as a discussion on the ASTD National LinkedIn group. To view the entire discussion click here. Below is my response to the question.
The LMS functional requirements for most small organizations tend to be fairly generic. That is, they tend to have fairly straightforward LMS requirements that most LMS's can adequately handle. The key LMS selection criteria for smaller organizations tend to be low cost, ease-of-use and access to e-learning courseware.
Midsize companies tend to have more complicated requirements that map to their current training processes. The key for midsize companies is to find an LMS that can adapt to their learning processes rather than adapt their learning processes to the LMS. Regardless of company size, the goal of most training programs is to positively impact company performance.
Therefore, an LMS should be able to track performance metrics and report on the impact training programs have had on those metrics.
Author: Jeff Walter