Latitude is dedicated to gaining valuable insight about the training industry and sharing our findings with the learning community. We are currently in the midst of gathering information and analyzing results for our 2020 Annual Training Survey.
Survey participants range from a variety of industries, all with knowledge about their organization's training program's objective. Make sure your training program is represented - participate in future questionnaires & surveys.
Results are in: What best describes your training program? (Multiple answers may be selected)
2020 results
2018 results
What it means?
This question shows what (if any) compliance training may be involved in an organization's training program.
There was a big difference in results reported in 2018 versus 2020 for those who described their training as either "encourage and/or require certifications" and "new partners and/or customers are assigned onboarding training". On one hand, there was a huge spike in training programs that involve certifications from 2018 to 2020, 22% to 72%.
Conversely, there was a decrease in training programs that assign onboarding training to new partners and customers, 28% to 14%.
This data is in sync with what our 2020 training survey has discovered so far: more organizations are extending training beyond traditional employees. The highest level of compliance training would be to require certifications, which 72% of participants indicate they do.
Thank you for your participation thus far in the Latitude 2020 Training Survey. Please follow the link below to question #4 - a quick, one question survey.
One-Question Survey