We are pleased to announce an exciting new feature that will give Portal Administrators more control over the functions available to their users on the new Navigation page. The LatitudeLearning LMS now offers a Navigation Page Editor, a flexible and easy-to-use tool for managing the visibility and display order of the icons on the Navigation Page using very simple drag and drop functionality. This is a great way to make the page more intuitive for your learners. You can hide icons that are not relevant to your organization's use of the LMS and order those displayed in a way that best suits your needs.
Portal Administrators can access and use the Navigation Page Editor as described below.
- From the Navigation page, select the Administration icon.
- On the Administration page left navigation menu, select Site Management > Edit Navigation Page.
- You will find two columns on the Edit Navigation Page: Hidden Icons and Displayed Icons. By default, all icons are displayed. To hide or display an icon, drag and drop it into the appropriate column. Note: Some icons, such as My People, Approvals, and Reports, remain available only users with sufficient rights even when selected to display. Hover over an icon under Displayed Icons to view a tool tip on its display behavior.
- To rearrange the order of display, drag and drop a Displayed Icon into the desired position within the column.
- Click Save. The Displayed Icons will then appear on the Navigation page in the order selected.
Changes made on this page will affect all users and it is not currently possible to customize the Navigation page for specific roles or individuals, although the visibility of some displayed icons will still be restricted by a user's role and place in the managerial reporting hierarchy.