Released on August 5, the Goal Rules feature provides Portal Administrators a new way to automatically assign learners their certification goals based on any combination of user profile attributes or training status. Rules can be run on a scheduled basis or executed on demand. While the existing Goal Transitions process is still available, Goal Rules make the process of assigning training goals easy to automate and maintain.
This article will explain how to use our sleek new Setup Wizard to define user criteria, select one or more certifications, name the Goal Rule, and schedule it for processing. The Goal Rule setup wizard sets a new precedence for the LMS administrative experience. This easy-to-use tool will walk you through each step of the rule creation process, providing simple navigation options and ensuring correct configuration along the way.
Learn how LMS managers use the similar Assign Goals process to assign certification goals to their employees by CLICKING HERE.
Add Goal Assignment Rule
Find the Goal Rules link listed on the Administration page, under the Manage Goals menu. Open the Goal Rules page, then click +Goal Rule >to get started.
- Rule -- Start by naming the rule. Provide a short description, notes, or translations as desired.
- User Filter -- Define the criteria that makes users eligible for certification goal assignment. Click Next to preview results.
- Preview -- Preview the user population that will be assigned training goals from this rule. Use the Next and Previous buttons to refine user filters and view results.
- Training Goal -- Select one or more Certification or Curriculum that will be assigned by rule.
- Schedule -- Enter the date range you want the rule take effect, and how frequently user criteria should be evaluated for goal assignment.
- Confirmation -- The last step will always be to review and confirm your setup. Click the step name or corresponding edit buttons to jump back and view detailed information. Click Save to complete the process, and a message banner will display results.
MAintain Goal Rules
Goal Rules are listed with standard action buttons: Run, Edit, Copy, Delete. Review or update an existing rule with the Edit Wizard. Opening on the Confirmation step, this wizard allows navigation to any step within the process. Apply changes and return to the Confirmation step to save.
Rules are evaluated daily for scheduled execution, so inform your learners to check their Training Goals page as appropriate.