Certification Goals Dashboard – Latitude is very pleased to announce the addition of a new Certification Goals Dashboard to the LMS reports that are available to LMS customers that have the Certification and Curriculum Add-on configured for their LMS portal. The new Certification Goals Dashboard allows LMS administrators and managers to view the status of goal achievement at the Business Unit, Division and Location levels of the organization based on their organization and user scoping. Power drill-down functionality allows those responsible for setting and monitoring goals to view summary level achievement data and then drill-down to see underlying details even down to a list of the students comprising the higher level statistics.
LMS customers will note that the Reports Menu page has been relabeled with a new section for dashboards. The Certification Goals Dashboard is the first of a number of planned dashboards which will be made available to all portal customers in some cases, with additional dashboards for information specific to a particular Add-ons.
The new Report and Dashboards page appears as shown below:

To view the new Certification Goals Status dashboard, portal users simply need click on the Certification Goals Status link; then select the certification Program that they would like to analyze; then click on the View Report button to see the results.

Once displayed, customers simply click on the “+” icon to drill down to see underlying details supporting summary views.
An example of the Goals Dashboard follows:

Important --- The Certification Goals Dashboard displays goal achievement statistics for a given student and organization entity only in cases where goal(s) were explicitly set for the student and does not take into account scenarios where goals are to be set based on the students position / position group association.