If the Latitude Learning LMS is new to you as a Portal Administrator, or to your organization as a whole, please consider attending some of Latitude’s training webinars to help you master the important features of the LMS. Courses are offered through WebEx, and cover topics ranging from foundational elements (adding/maintaining organizations, users, and course catalogs) to more complex functions (managing certifications and curricula).
To become an LMS expert
Latitude’s webinar instructors have years of experience implementing, customizing and supporting the LMS for organizations of all sizes and types. Our consultants can help you understand and use the LMS to your best advantage.
Portal Administrators can view the upcoming training schedule by logging into their LMS portal and selecting, from the Left Navigation Menu, Site Management => LMS Training.
This link will route you to the LMS Support and Training portal. Login with your current username and password to begin.
Note: You can return to your LMS portal at any time by clicking Return to My Portal or Return to Default Profile. (See 1 below.)
Latitude Webinar Tuition
The majority of our one-hour training courses require $100 tuition paid up front, although your payment options will vary depending on your subscription with Latitude.
- Free LMS Webinar - Welcome for New Administrators: This tuition-free course is offered every few weeks and is open to new portal administrators of both free and paid subscription portals. We recommend that all administrators start with this course to establish an understanding of overall LMS features and options before taking a deeper look at individual functions.
- Pre-Paid Tuition using Discount Codes: When an organization purchases an LMS subscription bundle that includes pre-paid LMS Administration Training, Latitude generates discount coupon codes based on the subscription agreement. Authorized administrators can use these coupon codes as payment for any tuition-based course in the Latitude catalog.
- Pay-As-You-Go: For organizations without a pre-paid training package, administrators can enroll in courses and pay for tuition with a credit card. We accept Visa, Discover, MasterCard and American Express.
Find LMS startup support and training options at www.LatitudeLearning.com, on the LMS Setup page. Contact your Latitude Account Manager or the Support Team with questions about personalized training or pricing.
Enroll in a Training Webinar
- To view or enroll in a webinar offering, in the “Action” column for the desired offering, click View/Enroll. (See 2 in the illustration above.)
- On the Offering Detail page, you can review the description and other details of the course, including any tuition required. Click Enroll to begin the enrollment process for that course. The next step will vary slightly depending on whether the selected course is tuition-based or free.

For Free LMS Webinars: You will not be asked for payment information. As shown in the screen below, click Enroll to reserve a seat in the course. Once the process is complete, you will receive a confirmation message with ICS file attachment, allowing you to export the training event to your calendar.

For tuition-based webinars: The Student Enrollment form appears. Complete the fields to set up your payment as described below, then click Complete Purchase to finalize the enrollment and receive confirmation.

- Coupon Code: If you have a valid Latitude coupon code, enter it here and click Apply Coupon. If the discount is enough to cover full tuition, you can skip payment information below.
- First Name and Last Name (as on Card): Enter these names as they appear on your card.
- Credit Card: Select your card brand from the drop-down list.
- Card Number: Provide your credit card number.
- Expiration Date: Enter the date on which your card expires.
- Card Verification Number: Provide your card’s verification number. For Visa, MasterCard, and Discover, this is the 3-digit number on the back of your card found after the account number (or after the last 4-digits of your account number) in the signature panel. For American Express cards, this is the 4-digit number printed on the front of your card above and to the right of the embossed account number.
- Billing Address: Complete all required fields in this section to match the information on record with your card provider.
Add an Interest for a Latitude Webinar
If after reviewing the list of scheduled webinars you did not find the topic you are looking for, or the current offerings pose scheduling conflicts, you have the ability to add an interest in a course. Latitude instructors review the interest lists regularly when planning future course offerings.
There are a couple ways to add your interest to a course:
- From the Student Enrollment page of an existing webinar offering
- By searching for the desired course in the Latitude Support portal
Add Interest for an Existing Offering
From the Student Enrollment page of an existing offering (free or paid), click the Apply to Interest List button. The LMS will determine your eligibility and display the status of your Add Interest request.

Add Interest using Course Search
To add interest in a Latitude Webinar that is not currently scheduled or is scheduled at an inconvenient time:
- In the Latitude Support portal, from the left navigation menu, select Courses => Search Courses.
- Search for the desired course. Our most common courses are found under the "Standard LMS Administrator Training" major. More advanced topics are under the "Professional LMS Administrator Training Curriculum" or "LMS Add-on Training Curriculum" majors.
- In the search results list, click Add Interest next to the desired course.

- On the Add to Interest List page, select your desired Location, if applicable, and click Submit to complete the process.