Latitude CG® announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning® LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday April 28, 2024.
Manage Users: Added updates to the Manage User process for approving new user registrations and unlocking existing users -
- For Registration Approval, we removed the [ X ] Deny and the [ i ] Change and Approve buttons. There is now just a new Registration Details button which allows you to Approve, Deny and/or update the profile role and position. The original Change and Approve buttons did the same thing as the Approve button and Deny functionality is now included in the Registration Details slide-in.
- Unlock User was removed from Approvals page. Unlock users can only be done on the Manager Users and legacy User Details pages. This was originally on the Approvals page but Latitude removed it because it incorrectly allowed Location Managers to see password/security questions for locked users on the Unlock User/Change Password slide-in. Users with Location Manager roles don’t have access to the Manage Users page.
- Location Name was added to the header of the Edit Profile slide-in that is available on the Approvals page for registrations pending approval and from the Manage Users page.
Reporting: Added columns for Course Display Date and Manager Username and Name to the Course report entity.
Resolved Issues
Header: Updated code to allow the Navigation Hamburger icon and the Message icon to be displayed or hidden individually for clients who request it.
Interests: Fixed an issue in which the LMS was creating duplicate interests/enrollments for courses enrolled in via a series. One was able to continue to auto-enrollment but the other remained on the Interest List in a Pending Conflict status.
Messages: Fixed a dormant message designed to notify students when an offering becomes available if settings for the offering are set to Auto-Enrollment = Notification Only.
Rosters: Corrected an error message about waitlists that was appearing when a manager was attempting to substitute one student in an offering with another one.