LatitudeLearning® announces a new release of the LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, December 8, 2024.
Standard LMS Login Page Redesign: We redesigned the LMS standard login page to make it responsive and modern. We also simplified the navigation between the page and the Forgot Password and Self-Registration pages. Updates include:
- The Sign Up Here link is only visible if a portal code was included in the URL and the portal has self-registration enabled.
- The Forgot Password link is only visible if a portal code was included in the URL.
- When a wide view is available, the HTML content block will be displayed to the right of the login box. Otherwise, the HTML content block is displayed below the login box.
- If a portal has Single Sign On (SSO) enabled and the URL does not include direct=1 in query string, the login form will be hidden.
- The standard LatitudeLearning® LMS logo image on the default login page was updated.
- reCAPTCHA v2 (I’m not a robot) will be used on both the User Self-Registration and the Password Reset pages.
- On the User Self-Registration page, First Name, Last Name, Email, Username, Password, Confirm Password, and Captcha are required fields. Other fields may be required depending on client configuration. If a portal requires approval for new user registration, the user will be redirected to a page notifying them that their registration is pending approval. If a portal does not require approval for new user registration, the user will be authenticated and redirected to the portal landing page.
- On the Forgot Password page, Username OR email is required, along with Captcha. Clicking Submit triggers the existing Forgot Password process with the same notifications.
Type-ahead Library on Classic .aspx pages: Updated type-aheads on .aspx pages, such as User Search and others in which user search filters or other type-ahead fields are incorporated.
Date Selection on Reports and Calendar pages: Updated the display of the calendar date selection icon on Report pages and other calendar-related pages.
Resolved Issues
Courses: Fixed an issue in which course images were displaying as broken images on the Course Details tab, but were displayed correctly everywhere else.
Goal Rules: Corrected an issue in which the Save button was not active if the rule was added or updated and did not have a schedule end date in place.
Interest Lists: Updated so that if a user has a status of On Interest List for a classroom course, the Course Slide-in displays On Interest List status (instead of Not Enrolled) and displays the Cancel button. The Add Interest icon would no longer display.
Messages: Updated the behavior of goal assignment notifications for users who do not have a manager. Prior to this, if the user had no manager, the message was never sent but remained queued. If the user was given a manager, the system would find the queued messages and deliver them to the new manager after the overnight messaging processes ran. This caused old queued notifications to be sent to managers unnecessarily. To correct this, we updated the process to only send on goal assignment if the user has at least one manager at the time the goal process runs.
My Team: Fixed issues with the accuracy of filtered results using Valid Transcript, Passed and Valid Transcript, Never Passed in cases where the relevant transcripts have expiration dates in the past or in the future.
Resources: Corrected issues with large video resource files not playing to the end in some instances.
SCORM: Fixed intermittent "file could not be uploaded" issues when uploading valid SCORM content to eLearning courses.
User Merge: Fixed an issue caused when both the old and new accounts had already enrolled in the same course prior to the merge, causing the merge to keep both enrollments open on the remaining user account after the merge.
User Self-Registration: Corrected and improved the validation of Username and Location during user Self-Registration.
- An invalid location code or a valid code used in another portal displays a 'Location Code is invalid' message
- An unavailable username displays 'Username is not available; Please choose another Username'
- A valid location code in a branded registration page allows for successful registration
User Search: Corrected an issue causing the sorting direction arrow to appear next to all column headers when sorting by Role. Also corrected pagination errors when performing a sort from any results page except page one.
Users: Fixed some issues causing bad profile data to be introduced from the Add Profiles page under Edit User.