LatitudeLearning® announces a new release of the LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, February 16, 2025.
Audiences: Added new relative date options "Last 30 days" and "Last 60 days" to Audience filters for -
- User Last Login Date
- User Account Start Date
- User Account End Date
- Position Start Date
- Position End Date
Reporting: Enhanced the Assessment Attempt entity to include advanced filters for User > User Profile and User > User Position. Both of these advanced filters show Is Primary/Isn't Primary as filter options. Using these will prevent duplication of results lines for users who have multiple location profiles.
Resolved Issues
Certificates of Completion: Fixed a problem with displaying the Date of Completion on downloaded certificates (where used) for users with a preferred language = German.
Classroom Courses/Offerings:Fixed an issue in which using commas in the Late Cancellation fee were not being validated correctly and causing the entry to fail.
Course Goals:For portals with "Automate Goals from Course Due Date" enabled, we fixed an issue in which duplicate goals were created if a user canceled their first enrollment and enrolled again a second time. Now the new enrollment will not create a new goal.
Course Slide-ins: Improved eligibility notices on the slide-in for better clarity when a user has already taken a course. Also updated related translations.
Messaging: Fixed the following -
- When goal is assigned for a course, it does not include multiple rows for same course in the student assignment notification.
- When goal is assigned to a student, if no Manager exists, it will not send out a manager notification. It will also not send out manager notification when Manager is added later with an effective date after the assignment.
- If assigned a goal for a course which requires prerequisites, when you complete the prerequisites, it will not send a second notification to the student or manager.
Offerings: Fixed an issue with Offering meeting times that expand across several days. For Add/Edit Offering Meeting times, the duration will dictate what the end date will be. Example: If the offering Duration is over 8.x hours, the offering will add 1 day, over 16.x adds 2 days, and over 24.x will add 3 days, and so on.
User Search: Corrected an issue causing attempts to export user search results lists to external formats (Excel, CSV, PDF) was failing. This issue affected Search Users and Audience Preview results lists.
User Self-Registration: Fixed an issue in which adding users via self-registration was not properly considering the Location setting for User Type = Active Users. It was blocking new registrations even when space for new accounts was available. This was not a bug for other add user options.