Hello from Latitude R&D! This is Brooke Oprsal with a monthly update on some of our activities regarding the LatitudeLearning LMS product.
Recent Product Enhancement - Minor Enhancements
The latest release included some minor enhancements to improve usability and security of the system. The username field was changed to a type-ahead “user” field, that when utilized searches on First Name, Last Name and Username.
Another enhancement was made to improve security. When resetting a user’s password, they will receive two separate emails, so that their username and password are not in the same email.
By the end of April, there will be new options for setting the login landing page, and the home page. Every available icon on the Navigation page, will be an option.
Another enhancement in this release, will allow Portal Admins to choose a logo for their certifications. On the LMS information page, under Certificate Logo, a portal admin can select the logo.
Training provider will be an org property that can be turned on and off.
An Announcement icon has been added to the Navigation page. When clicked, it will take the user to a page in which they can create an Announcement to be sent to subordinates.
Action Buttons have been added to Component Courses.
A launch button has been added to the Resource Details page.
And an add primary profile filter has been added to the reporting engine.
We’re very excited about all of the improvements we’re making to the LMS, to improve your overall experience!
Upcoming Releases
Report Scheduling will be released into production, near the end of May. Reports will be able to be scheduled to run daily, weekly, monthly or on demand, and shared to other roles.
There will also be more Minor Enhancements being released by the end of May:
- Enhance Add Course to add a new delivery method – Self-Study
- User must change password on next login
- Playing MP4 resources
- Add Chat Icon to the Navigation Page
- Add Support Icon to the Navigator Portal
Soon after this next release, we will be launching Auto-Assign Goals.
Proposed Enhancements
There are currently 70+ proposed enhancements currently on the list. You can visit the Proposed Enhancement Page here and vote for your favorite to get it moved up the list!
What’s Coming
Later in 2018 we plan to implement Course Goals, add a new Assessment type to the reporting engine, associate assessment survey and test with a course, and revamp the My People page in the new UI. There are also several minor enhancements we will be adding throughout the year. We’re very excited about our 2018 roadmap!
About LMS Roadmap Series
This monthly series will keep you informed on improvements and future enhancements that will make your LMS experience even more powerful.
About LatitudeCG
Latitude CG, home of LatitudeLearning, the channel LMS and base to LatitudeConnect the software that drives channel performance. Over 3 million people across 10,000 organizations have used LatitudeLearning to manage training.