Hello from Latitude R&D! This is Brooke Oprsal with a monthly update on some of our activities regarding the Latitude Learning LMS product.
Recent Product Enhancement - Auto-Assign Course Goals
Auto-Assign Course goals was recently released on August 5th. We have re-engineered the Goal Transitions to an Automated Goal Assignment functionality, so that administrators can easily see all of the automated goal assignments. We modified the current assignments so it is made by Audience rather than the current Training Program, Position Group, or Certification/Curriculum. We also enabled administrators the ability to specify when the automated goal assignment is run (daily, weekly, monthly, and on demand).
The Goal Rules feature provides Portal Administrators a new way to automatically assign learners their certification goals based on any combination of user profile attributes or training status. Rules can be run on a scheduled basis or executed on demand. While the existing Goal Transitions process is still available, Goal Rules make the process of assigning training goals easy to automate and maintain.
To add a goal assignment rule, find the Goal Rules link listed on the Administration page, under the Manage Goals menu. Open the Goal Rules page, then click +Goal Rule to get started.
1. Rule -- Start by naming the rule. Provide a short description, notes, or translations as desired.
2. User Filter -- Define the criteria that makes users eligible for certification goal assignment. Click Next to preview results.
3. Preview -- Preview the user population that will be assigned training goals from this rule. Use the Next and Previous buttons to refine user filters and view results.
4. Training Goal -- Select one or more Certification or Curriculum that will be assigned by rule.
5. Schedule -- Enter the date range you want the rule take effect, and how frequently user criteria should be evaluated for goal assignment.
6. Confirmation -- The last step will always be to review and confirm your setup. Click the step name or corresponding edit buttons to jump back and view detailed information. Click Save to complete the process, and a message banner will display results.
Goal Rules are listed with standard action buttons: Run, Edit, Copy, Delete. Review or update an existing rule with the Edit Wizard. Opening on the Confirmation step, this wizard allows navigation to any step within the process. Apply changes and return to the Confirmation step to save.
Rules are evaluated daily for scheduled execution, so inform your learners to check their Training Goals page as appropriate.
LMS managers and administrators can use our new wizard to assign mandatory training to their people in an ad hoc fashion. Open the My People page and click +Goal to get started. For portals still using the Classic Home Page, this feature is available from the Employees tab and the My Learning Center >Manage Goals > Assign Goals administration menu.
1. User Filter -- Define the criteria that makes your learners eligible for certification goal assignment. Leave the default "None" value to return all employees. Click Next to preview the user list.
2. Preview -- Preview the user population that will be assigned training goals from this rule. Use the Next and Previous buttons to refine user filters and view results.
3. Training Goal -- Select one or more Certification or Curriculum to be assigned.
4. Confirmation -- Review and confirm your setup. Click the step name or corresponding edit buttons to jump back and view detailed information. Click Run to complete the process. A message banner will state that goals have been queued. A results email will follow shortly.
The Goal Rule setup wizard sets a new precedence for the LMS administrative experience. This easy-to-use tool will walk you through each step of the rule creation process, providing simple navigation options and ensuring correct configuration along the way.
When adding a new record to the LMS, the wizard will enforce navigation from left to right through all steps listed at the top of the page. Use the Next and Previous buttons to move through the setup process.
Return to a previous step at any time by clicking the button or step name. Note that the next button and step name are only enabled when data is populated in all required fields.
The last step will always be to review and confirm your setup. Click the step name or corresponding edit buttons to jump back and view detailed information. Click Save to complete the process, and a message banner will display results.
Review or update an existing record with the Edit Wizard. Opening on the Confirmation step, this wizard allows navigation to any step within the process. Apply changes and return to the Confirmation step to save.
Upcoming Releases
In the next few weeks, we will be releasing a few updates to the system including a new UI page for Goals, Summary reports and changing My Training Goals, to My Goals, also with a new UI.
The next major enhancement to come at the end of October is a new UI for Course Goals. Enhancing the LatitudeLearning LMS to provide training managers the ability to assign and track a user’s Course Goals, in addition to Certification and Curriculum goals.
Proposed Enhancements
There are currently 70+ proposed enhancements currently on the list. You can visit the Proposed Enhancement Page and vote for your favorite to get it moved up the list!
What’s Coming
By the end of the year, we plan on rolling out a new UI version of the My People page, Report distribution, a responsive Course Shell, Gamification and a New Leaderboard. By the end of Q1-2019 we plan to launch the first version of a mobile app and the ability to receive notifications via text message.
About LMS Roadmap Series
This monthly series will keep you informed on improvements and future enhancements that will make your LMS experience even more powerful.
About LatitudeCG
Latitude CG, home of LatitudeLearning, the channel LMS and base to LatitudeConnect the software that drives channel performance. Over 3 million people across 10,000 organizations have used LatitudeLearning to manage training.