Hello from Latitude R&D! This is Brooke Oprsal with a monthly update on some of our activities regarding the LatitudeLearning LMS product.
Recent Product Enhancement - Minor Enhancements
The next release will be on 6/24. Included in this release, will be Favorite Tools, German Translations and a few minor enhancements.
Favorite Tools, is a tool for Administrators to use, to maintain their more often used tools on the Administration page in the LMS. By clicking the Edit Icon the Admin will be taken to a page, to display hidden tools.
Every function normally available to the admin on the left hand side of the page will appear in the “hidden” column. Simply drag and drop the box from the left column to the right, for it to display on the Favorite Tools page. You must click “Save” at the bottom of the page, before navigating away.
The “Favorite Tools” will then appear on the Administration page.
This tool is “user” specific, so admins can save their Favorite Tools, independent of others within the portal.
In this release, German is now an available language in the LMS. From the Account page, the Preferred language can be changed to German.
There will also be the following Minor Enhancements in the 6/24 Release:
- The ability to CC direct managers on messages for all available roles
- Add resource type page that links to an HTML content page.
- Remove Language HTML files from default LMS setup page
- Remove additional confirmation pop-ups on Messages and Enrollment cancel acknowledgements:
- Deletion Confirmation: The confirmation pop-up “Removed Successfully” was replaced with an on-page confirmation.
We’re very excited about all of the improvements we’re making to the LMS, to improve your overall experience!
Upcoming Releases
Auto-Assign Goals - Reengineering the Goal Transitions to an Automated Goal Assignment functionality so that administrators can easily see all the automated goals assignments. Also, modify the current assignments so it is made by Audience (which is a construct currently in development) rather than the current Training Program, Position Group, Certification/Curriculum. Finally, enable administrators to specify when the automated goal assignment is run (daily, weekly, monthly or on Demand).
Course Goals - Enhancing the LatitudeLearning LMS to provide training managers the ability to assign and track a user’s Course Goals, in addition to Certification and Curriculum goals.
Proposed Enhancements
There are currently 70+ proposed enhancements currently on the list. You can visit the Proposed Enhancement Page here and vote for your favorite to get it moved up the list!
What’s Coming
Later in 2018 we plan to add a new Assessment type to the reporting engine, associate assessment survey and test with a course, report distribution, and revamp the My People page in the new UI. There are also several additional minor enhancements we will be adding throughout the year. We’re very excited about our 2018 roadmap!
About LMS Roadmap Series
This monthly series will keep you informed on improvements and future enhancements that will make your LMS experience even more powerful.
About LatitudeCG
Latitude CG, home of LatitudeLearning, the channel LMS and base to LatitudeConnect the software that drives channel performance. Over 3 million people across 10,000 organizations have used LatitudeLearning to manage training.