Hello from Latitude R&D! This is Brooke Oprsal with a monthly update on some of our activities regarding the LatitudeLearning LMS product.
Recent Product Enhancement - New Header, Updates to LMS Information Page and Multi-Select
To kick off the roll out of our New User Interface (UI), we have released a brand new LMS Header. This feature brings a fresh look and feel to the product, and introduces users to the icon-based design they can expect to find throughout the new LMS Experience. For users who participate in training activities across multiple organizations, the header also provides a streamlined way to Switch Profiles.
LatitudeLearning has released two New UI pages to the LMS: Navigation Menu and Courses to Complete. Users gain access to these pages by clicking the header icon , then using the Navigation Menu to move seamlessly between New and Legacy UI pages. Click here for more information about new header features and functionality.
Lastly, the User Search tool has been enhanced with type-ahead technology, replacing drop down menus and data pickers with a smart text field that will provide data matches as you type in real time. Administrators can now apply multiple filter values to each search criterion as well, making it easier to define audiences, target users for announcements, and batch enroll others.
Upcoming Releases
We are continuing to release new UI pages for the student experience. Coming next month the What’s New, and Messages pages will be created using the new look and feel.
The What’s New page, allows Portal Administrators to present custom content to their end users, including content tailored by Organization and Position Branding tools.
The Messages page allows users to view and delete LMS generated messages. The page will contain the same functionality of the legacy My Messages page.
Proposed Enhancements
The list of enhancements and suggestions continues to grow. Please feel free to review them at here and let us know your thoughts.
What’s Coming
We will be gaining momentum in transforming the Student experience workflow into a simplified version, in the coming weeks. We are very excited as our LMS undergoes this transformation to be a more user-friendly, yet very powerful tool for your training needs.
About LMS Roadmap Series
This monthly series will keep you informed on improvements and future enhancements that will make your LMS experience even more powerful.
About LatitudeCG
Latitude CG, home of LatitudeLearning, the channel LMS and base to LatitudeConnect the software that drives channel performance. Over 3 million people across 10,000 organizations have used LatitudeLearning to manage training.