Hello from Latitude R&D, and Happy New Year! This is Brooke Oprsal with a monthly update on some of our activities regarding the LatitudeLearning LMS product.
Recent Product Enhancement - New Manager Workflow - User Detail and Team Goals
LatitudeLearning will be going live with Release 2 for the New Manager Workflow on 3/3/19. Included in this release will be additional functionality on the My Team page. The User Detail will now work as an expando, and a fly out modal for each icon shown below; Certification Level, Courses to Complete, and Goals.
Upcoming Releases
Before the end of the first quarter there will be updates made to the User Group Profile tools to express membership as a profile attribute through standard UI components. LMS Configuration settings will allow administrators to choose how User Group membership should be treated with profile inactivation; move or cancel.
There will also be changes to how scoping is defined in Person to Person relationships. An administrator will be able to view all direct reports, regardless of organization.
Coming with Release 3 of the New Manager Workflow will be updated versions of the Training History Page, Approvals page, Department Certification page, Department Curriculum page, and User Group Participation page.
Proposed Enhancements
There are currently 70+ proposed enhancements currently on the list. You can visit the Proposed Enhancement Page and vote for your favorite to get it moved up the list!
What's Coming
We will continue transitioning the Student/Manager experience to the new UI, including Featured Courses, Course Catalog and the Skills page. We’re very excited about our 2019 Roadmap!
About LMS Roadmap Series
This monthly series will keep you informed on improvements and future enhancements that will make your LMS experience even more powerful.
About LatitudeCG
Latitude CG, home of LatitudeLearning, the channel LMS and base to LatitudeConnect the software that drives channel performance. Over 3 million people across 10,000 organizations have used LatitudeLearning to manage training.