Latitude is happy to announce its membership continuation with ASE Training Managers Council (ATMC).
Latitude was honored to participate in ATMC’s 2020 Webinar line-up: "Extended Enterprise Learning: Building Capability and Driving Performance Across the Value Chain."
The ASE Training Managers Council is a non-profit organization designed to promote the advancement of training and professional development within the automotive service industry. ATMC continues to help members stay abreast of innovations in training by facilitating interaction among its members.
ATMC Slide Deck
About Latitude CG
Latitude CG, home of LatitudeLearning, delivers products and features to train geographically diverse locations and meet the unique training needs of remote workers, customers, resellers, partners and more. Latitude has developed the extended enterprise platform based on industry standards and has continued to refine its product based on the growing needs of its customers in this space. . Latitude has been providing solutions designed to manage training programs for companies globally for more than 30 years. More than 3 million people have successfully used LatitudeLearning.