The Latitude Learning Team announces the latest release of the Latitude Learning LMS. This release Version was promoted to production on Thursday, March 24, 2016.
Subscription Management – The subscription management tool, found in the Left Navigation Menu under Course Support => Search/Add Subscription, is no longer scoped by organization. Previously, subscriptions could only be defined and successfully applied to Locations within the Portal Administrator’s default Business Unit. We have now removed this inherent scoping parameter, so that changes made to record Start Date, End Date, and Subscription Course lists from these Subscription Management pages will apply add/edit information globally.
On the contrary, LMS Course Catalogs remain inherently tied to the Business Unit (BU) level of your organization hierarchy. So if an admin were to open a Course => General Information tab and manipulate "Subscription Program" settings from the course configuration page, those changes will only apply to the Subscription Course list for their particular BU. Because the course subscription setting is one of only four configuration options that are BU-specific, once a course is added, any subscription changes made at the Course level from BU "A" will not apply to the same course shared to the BU "B" catalog.
To make BU-specific changes to subscriptions outside of your Default organization, please follow these instructions: Navigate Between Two or More Active Profiles
Approve Pending Self Registrations – Resolved two issues related to data scoping parameters that control employee oversight according to Organization Structure and Position Hierarchy.
- Requests for Self Registration/Unlock Account approvals were being scoped by users’ organization assignments, but did not account for the LMS Position Hierarchy. This allowed any user with a managerial position to see all pending registration requests at their assigned organization. Going forward, only those managers with a supervisory position to the requesting user’s assigned position will be able to see the employee’s request and approve it.
- For those LMS portals that are custom-configured to allow one Location multiple organization accountabilities within the hierarchy, we have removed the scoping parameter that was only revealing pending registrations for organizations tied to your Default Business Unit. Now administrators will see pending registrations listed for all organizations they oversee.
Edit Messages – Resolved an issue with the default "Student - Certification Expiration Notice" being sent to users even after the message was set to “Inactive” status.
Offering Distribution Rules – Closed a loophole that allowed administrators and instructors to create Custom and Shared Distributions without defining user eligibility rules. Rules are now a required component for all classroom Offering Distribution records. Note: The only way to deactivate a Shared Distribution is by clicking in the Left Navigation Menu Distributions => Search Distributions, selecting a record, and deleting all associated rules. Inactive distributions will not be found when adding or editing an Offering.
Search Positions – Fixed a bug that was returning no Position results for Portal Administrators who had first edited the Organization Code of their Default Location, then ran a search for positions.
Preferred Language Enrollment Conflict – System was not correctly linking course "Instructional Language" settings to student user's "Preferred Language" selection, therefore displaying an inaccurate enrollment conflict message: “Instructional Language does not match student preference.” Now, only students who try to enroll in a course that is not offered in their preferred language will receive this warning message.
eCommerce Translations – Added translated content to all tuition payment pages for standard Student Language Packs: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese
Organization Branding – Updated Organization Branding rights according to User Role assignment.
- Location Manager: Removed all Organization Branding options from this role.
- Location Administrator: Users assigned this role will still be allowed to control the look and feel of the LMS at their Location by configuring settings under the “Branding” tab.
- Portal Administrator: Only Portal Admins are provided full branding rights for their assigned organizations by accessing the “Branding” or “Brands” tab. (Note: “Brands” is an LMS Add-On feature that is only enabled for customers who purchased the service.)