The Latitude Learning Team announces the latest release of the Latitude Learning LMS. This release Version ( was promoted to production on Wednesday, June 29, 2016.
Search Users – Increased maximum number of User search results from 200 to 500. This update applies to all common LMS user search controls, including but not limited to Search Users, My Employees (tab), and Announcements tool.
- NOTE: Some processes, such as Enroll Others, could still fail or timeout as a result of the expanded collection of targeted users. As a long-term solution, our R&D team is planning to streamline the enrollment eligibility check in order to make that process efficient in enrolling more than 100 users at a time (noted in the disclaimer on "Enroll Others" page). In the meantime, please use the "Add Interest" feature as a work around for mass student enrollment. CLICK HERE for more information about Administrative Use of Interest Lists.
User Profile Management – Latitude Support updated logic behind the Profile End Date field, allowing administrators to deactivate and reactivate user profiles, including Position and Role assignments, by entering/removing a single end date.
- To deactivate a user’s profile, enter an End Date at the organization level, and all positions and roles with a blank end date will be populated with the Profile end date.
- To reactivate a user profile, delete the Profile End Date. Your changes will cascade to remove the same End Date from any matching position and role dates.
This fix should resolve most “Edit Failed” issues when reactivating users with duplicate Position and Role assignments.
User Registration Approval – The “Approve Pending Self Registrations” page now includes a "Location" data column, which lists the organization to which a new LMS user is requesting to register. CLICK HERE to learn more about User Self Registration feature.
User Import Tool – Updated the standard User Import Template. Download a blank template file here: User Import CSV template