Latitude CG announces the latest release of the Latitude Learning LMS. LMS Version was promoted to production on Sunday, October 23, 2016.
The Latitude Learning LMS now comes with a new configuration option for employee oversight and managerial reporting: Person-to-Person Reporting!
User Profile => Add Role – When adding a new Role assignment to existing user Profile, confirmation message did not display. Now the “Edit successful” and “Edit failed” messages will display uniformly for all profile updates.
Certification Engine – Made targeted updates to Certification Engine code to exclude template files, reduce CPU load, and improve performance.
Messages – Resolved issues with customization options and default content for automated message: Student - Curriculum Completed
Site Text, CSS, and Format – Posted updates to the following pages...
- Classroom Roster Management – Made multiple spellings of “Waitlist” uniform throughout the LMS
- Home Page => Employees tab – Resolved format display issue in IE
- Certification Management => Add Skill Profile
- Certification Management => View Goals => Brands data
- Approvals => Approve Pending Interests