Latitude announces the latest release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. LMS Version scheduled for promotion to production Tuesday evening, May 30th, 2017.
User Scoping and Quick Profile Updater - functionality was enhanced for targeted areas of the LMS to refine preexisting administrative data scoping logic, ensuring one's administrative oversight (ability to search, view and edit user records) is further defined by one's organizational/profile domain or scope of control in the LMS.
We also updated Users > Search Users > Advanced Search tool to display the most commonly used criteria as default, reducing the number of clicks necessary to conduct a targeted user search.
Expanded information on this set of enhancements can be found by clicking HERE.
Two Factor Authentication – functionality was enhanced to add a prompt to Change Password after a user authenticates using two-factor authentication (2FA), which is intended to eliminate the need for two-factor authentication on the next login attempt.
Once 2FA has been enabled, the LMS Self Registration page will automatically require Security Question and Answer information for new users.
Courses > Search Courses – New Tuition Criterion– functionality was enhanced to add a new course search criterion, "Tuition", with radio button selection options (Free, Paid, and Both) to aid in course search based on tuition.
Home > Live Courses - View Offering Widget – added a message for users attempting to View Offering for an classroom enrollment hosted outside their primary LMS portal (e.g. attending a free webinar offering via the LatitudeLearning LMS Support Portal). Users are now instructed to activate the relevant profile under My Details prior to accessing the offering.
Portal Administrator view of Location Employees when Switching Profiles – corrected situation in which a portal administrator was unable to view Location Employees after activating a different profile.
Approvals > Approve Pending Enrollments – corrected column alignment issues with the 'Reject' check box and related fields.
Edit User > Edit Transcript - Availability of Tabs – fixed inconsistencies in the number of tabs available to a portal administrator when editing a transcript from the Edit User function.
Users > Advanced User Search – resolved pagination issue for search results when using the “Next 5 Pages” link.
My Learning Center > Location Search - Employee Count – corrected the display of the Employee Count column in search results to reflect actual totals. Added a message on the Employee Count drill-down to direct users to User Search (unlimited results) when the location exceeds 500 employees. This message was also added to the Organization Details => Employees tab for location records exceeding 500 users. It will display for both position and person-to-person based reporting hierarchies.
Stylesheet Updates - corrected several reported stylesheet issues with highlight colors and the alignment of fields and check boxes.
Facility Types Simplification - simplified facility type options to enhance usability and improve conflict checking logic when adding a Facility during the Courses > Add Offering process.
Home > My Details – Active Profiles – corrected an exception error that occurred when entering an invalid location code in the Location text box, then attempting to activate that profile.
Users > User Search – fixed an issue in Advanced User Search results sort order after changing selection values in organization, position, roles, and other criteria drop-down lists.