Latitude CG announces the latest release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. LMS Version was promoted to production on Sunday, February 5, 2017.
New Feature Release: Design Custom Home Pages for Position Groups
Organizations > Search Positions – To reduce clicks and increase tool usability, we enhanced position search results table with two new columns: Department, Position Group. The columns provide display-only Department and Position Group information for each position without having to open each record.
Site Management > Edit Messages – Portal Administrators must now click the Customize button under the “Action” column in order to flag a message “Status” as Active/Inactive. This keeps the Edit Messages feature consistent with other editing tools in the LMS.
Users > Search Users > Advanced Search – The hyphen (-) character is now accepted as valid “Search Value” criteria in free text fields, and will return matching results.
Users > Quick Profile Update – Made “Quick User Search” tool provide consistent results list, including users in Active and Inactive status. Now all users are returned by Username or Location, regardless of account status.
Classroom Offering > Roster > Record Attendance – Fixed the “Hours” column on Record Attendance page to validate that number entered is 0-24. Field also allows partial hour entry within two decimal places.
Organizations > General Information – Removed “Subscription” configuration option from all Organization Types except Location. Only LMS Locations can subscribe to a defined subset of course catalog.
LMS Site Text and formatting updates on the following pages:
Location > End Date – Updated warning message text that appears when LMS administrators add an End Date to a Location-level organization record with active Employees, then click Submit.
Certification Management > Edit Goal Transitions – Capitalized the word “Certification” in page site text.