Latitude CG announces the latest release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. LMS Version was promoted to production on Sunday, March 5, 2017.
The LatitudeLearning community requested an updated “look & feel” for the LMS, and we listened. Our engineers eagerly went to work designing the more modern, refreshed style shown below.
CLICK HERE for instructions on how to update your portal today!
New Feature Release: Course Topics provide a way of browsing the course catalog by subject category, or topic. To use this tool, Portal Administrators need to turn on topics, create a topic(s) and then associate them with desired courses. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Two Factor Authentication provides an alternative method for LMS access, enabling registered users to efficiently and securely restore forgotten login credentials without administrative intervention. Portal Administrators can enable/disable this feature on the Site Management => LMS Information page. Now they can also select whether LMS users should be prompted to enter Email or Location Code as their final identification parameter, in addition to First Name, Last Name requirements. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Users > Edit Account – Added data validation logic to the User General Information page to ensure that LMS administrators cannot submit an Account End Date that comes before any of the associated Profile Effective Dates. This update will prevent bad data entry, instead of allowing such scenarios to trigger deletion of user record from the system.
Organizations > Search Organizations – Standard “Administrator” role assignment allows an LMS user to view and edit Organizations they oversee. Search Organizations tool has now been scoped to only return records within user’s domain, instead of returning all and limiting view/edit rights to subset of results.
Classroom Course > Offering > Roster Details – Fixed a bug so that administrators can once again sort student lists alphabetically by clicking “ID” column header.
Certification Rules > Add/Edit Certification – Improved Language support for certification Name and Description fields. Portal Administrators can now provide translated content on home page Goals, Certification, Curriculum tabs for users who have their “Preferred Language” set to something other than English.