LatitudeCG announces the latest release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. LMS Version was promoted to production on Sunday, April 30, 2017.
Users > Search Users – Advanced Search considers these special characters as valid entries in free text fields. All others will invoke an invalid character error message on submit.
Underscore _
At @
Period .
Forwardslash /
Exclamation Point !
Hyphen -
Course > Add Interest – Added conflict check to “Add Interest” toolset that will prevent a single user (or their administrator) from creating multiple Interest records in the same course.
Course Series – Fixed a bug that was not adding interest for defined Successor Course when a student enrolled in a course that required Tuition payment.
Interests > Add Interest – User Pickers will no longer restrict search criteria to default “Role: Student” option. It will now allow administrators to filter search results by desired Role.
Course Interest > Auto-enrollment – Fixed tuition payment loophole so that approved Interests for self-paced course types (Delivery Method: Self-Study, eLearning, Assessment, Course Group) that require tuition payment will no longer be processed as an auto-enrollment. Instead, they will sit on user’s Interest List pending tuition payment upon manual enrollment.
Site Management > Edit Stylesheets – Updated our Default CSS files to display course “Purchase” button same size as other action buttons on "Course Details" page.