LatitudeCG announces the latest release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. LMS Version was promoted to production on Thursday, June 29, 2017.
Audience – We built a new concept for the LMS, specifically intended to improve the tools available to administrators for managing groups of users.
Unlimited Course Enrollment – In response to user requirements for enrolling large groups of users, we have created an offline (asynchronous) batch processing option for enrolling large numbers of students. In addition, we have increased the capacity for quick (synchronous) enrollments to 100.
CLICK HERE to learn more.
Brands – This feature has been enabled for all LMS clients. Associate Courses with Brands to track Certification goals by Location.
Users > Search Users – Ensured that the only standard LMS Role that can see “Edit Profile” and “Impersonate” buttons are Portal Administrators. All other Roles with access to Search Users tool are provided the “Edit Account” option.
Users > Search Users > Username – Improved error message verbiage for quick search, replacing the generic “Invalid student ID” message to reflect one of the following reasons for rejection:
- Username entered is not valid.
- Username entered is not valid in this LMS.
- You are not authorized to view this user.
- User is inactive. Only active user accounts are considered valid for quick action.
Users > Quick Profile Update > Update Assignments – Upon "Edit Successful" action in popup window, the "Submit" and "Cancel" buttons are now replaced with a "Close" button, bringing behavior in line with other LMS approval pages.
Course Offering > Enroll Others – Fixed two issues with offering enrollment conflicts:
- Added a hard conflict for admins trying to enroll the same student in an offering that the student has already been “Scheduled” to attend.
- For tuition-based courses set to “Allow Multiple Enrollments: No”, an admin who tries to enroll a student already Scheduled in another offering received the proper ineligible enrollment conflict. However, the option to cancel the conflicting enrollment was not being processed. This function is once again working as designed.
Course Offering > Roster Management – Added two new user validation checks to Substitute Students functionality.
- If invalid Username is entered, system displays error message: “User does not exist or you do not have authority to view this user.”
- If admin tries to substitute a student who is already enrolled in the same offering, system displays error message: “Student is already enrolled in this offering.”
Browse by Topic – Fixed styling issue so that long topic names wrap properly in left navigation widget.
Person-to-Person Hierarchy – When trying to Search Users > Edit Profile > Add a Manager, the system was not properly scoping user picker results. We have restored standard data scoping logic so that Portal Administrators can manually build P2P relationships between users.