LatitudeCG announces the latest release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. LMS Version was promoted to production on Tuesday, July 25, 2017.
Courses > Search Courses – Fixed a bug that was causing no results to be returned when a user searched for keywords that include special characters.
Course > Enroll Others > Batch Enroll – Resolved an issue where administrators could not edit criteria “Comparison” values after creating initial search via the “Preview Users” step and then clicking through “Back to Filter” page.
Course Offering > Enroll Students – For classroom courses that require tuition, we have improved “Enroll Students” workflow so that when the Offering Seat Limit has been reached, the administrator must select an override option before proceeding to payment.
Brands – Removed “GlobalMindset” as the default brand of free LatitudeLearning courses.
Users > Search Users > Advanced Search – Resolved an issue where adding criteria rules before the default “Organization” criterion caused Search Value pickers to break.
Users > User Import – Updated the import process with date validation logic to ensure that Effective Dates and End Dates fall between 01/01/1900 and 06/06/2079. If the import file contains dates outside of this range, user will not be added to the system and an error is noted in the resulting Exception Log.