LatitudeCG announces the latest release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. LMS Version was promoted to production on Sunday, August 6, 2017.
Advanced User Search – Added new filter criteria “User Last Login Date” to Search Users, Announcement, and Batch Enrollment tools. With comparison options “Is On, On or Before, On or After” administrators can now identify and target a group of users by last LMS activity date for an announcement or mass course enrollment.
Courses > Enroll Others > Batch Enroll
- Fixed inconsistent user lists between “Preview Users” and “Batch Enrollment” results by enforcing same Search Pattern: (1 AND 2 AND 3) AND ((4 AND 5)) to both data queries.
- Updated enrollment eligibility logic so that managers are no longer required to override the “Who already have credit for the course and retake is allowed” conflict to successfully enroll students who are eligible for course retake.
- For Classroom course types set to “Unlimited” enrollment and “Allow Multiple Enrollments: Yes”, managers are no longer required to override the following conflicts to successfully enroll students: "Who already have credit for the course and retake is allowed" and "Who are already scheduled for another offering of this course".
- Batch Enroll is now honoring the Classroom Offering setting “Max Students per Location”, allowing managers to choose between “Enroll to Seat Limit” options or “Enroll All / Override Available Seat Limits”. If they are attempting to enroll more students than seats allowed (per Offering or per Location) and opt to “Enroll to Limit Only” all students are considered ineligible.
- For those administrators using the Subscription feature, Location Credits Allowed is now considered a blocking conflict. If a manager tries to enroll more users than credits allowed, all will be rejected.
Classroom Course and Offering Management
- Enhanced the Instructor role with the same ability Portal Administrators have to Add an Offering with the “Applied Distribution: All Users” option. They are no longer required to create a custom distribution or use a shared distribution, as are other roles who can manage offerings.
- When enrolling students in an offering via Quick Enroll or Batch Enroll, the seat limit override option “Enroll to Limit / Add Others to Interest List” will only display if the Course is set to “Allow use of Interest List: Yes”. That option is hidden when course flag is set to “No”.
- Updated workflow of Quick Enroll for tuition-based courses so that Seat Limit conflict overrides are defined before manager is prompted for payment. This way, he is only charged for eligible student enrollments (including Waitlist) and not for those who are added to the Interest List.
Brands – Fixed text formatting issue with breadcrumbs leading to “Search Brands” and “Add Brands” pages.