LatitudeCG announces the latest release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. LMS version was promoted to production on September 5, 2017.
- Enrollment Conflicts: Corrected situation in which the hard enrollment conflict "This course is not in a catalog available to the user at this location" was displayed for users enrolling themselves while their Primary profile was set at the Company-level, even if that course was available in the user's Business Unit/Course Catalog. Primary profile can still be set at the Company level, but adjustments to the rules governing course availability by user profile are updated to consider it now.
- New User Interface:
-Updated the breadcrumb navigation display.
-Corrected an error caused during attempts to impersonate of a locked user.
-Corrected wording on Courses to Complete navigation page. For courses pending manager approval, changed the message to "Pending Approval" instead of "Pending".
- Position Hierarchy and Ability to Enroll Others: Corrected an issue in which upper level managers could enroll their direct reports in courses, but not other users in the position hierarchy below them. They will now be able to enroll any user below them in the position hierarchy.
- Reporting: In the Evidence of Competency by Certification/Curriculum Report, corrected wording of error messages presented when an invalid location is provided in the search query. The message now refers to "Location" instead of "Dealer Code."
- Two-factor Authentication (2FA): When 2FA is active, we improved the portal administrator's ability to update a user's password regardless of the user's two factor authentication question status (both questions answered, one question answered, or no questions answered.)